var addy2863 = 'mindhealth' + '@'; Controlling Fear of Terrorist Attacks Several studies in Germany looked at students facing the threat of terrorist attacks, and how religion affected their reaction to the situation. … In addition, people who practice kindness and view God as sympathetic to their challenges may see the world as less threatening and, as a result, less stressful, and such a perspective further contributes to a healthier heart. Stressed Out? Prayer helps to overcome most and if not all of the problems and help to have a long and enduring life. So, when one is mentally disturbed, praying to almighty help gain strength to overcome the disturbance. … Negative views included holding God responsible for severe harm, attributions of cruelty to God, difficulty finding meaning, and seeing oneself as a victim. This email address is being protected from spambots. CEO Christopher Ruddy Health Publisher Travis Davis Contributing Editor Vera Tweed Production/Art Director Elizabeth Dole. If one does it regularly, it gives better health and approach to life making him or stronger. //--> I too agree with them but, besides hard work luck is critical elements. But to many, doing this prayer has given compassion and peace of mind. Reducing Risk for Diabetes Complications In a group of 556 people with diabetes, researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina found that those who attended religious services, at least occasionally, were less likely to have chronic internal inflammation (measured as C-reactive protein). They found that those to whom religion was most important felt less stressed and experienced fewer symptoms of panic attacks.source: Depression and Anxiety, 39. However, those who pray only after surgery or take a negative view do not experience the same benefits. source: Psychiatric Services, 19. Please note: All information presented in The Mind Health Report is for informational purposes only. 5 Health Benefits of Prayer, Meditation and Spirituality 1. Prayer helps you develop a relationship with God. You should take no action solely on the basis of this publication’s contents. As mentioned before, in my experience, prayer can enhance the learning skills and also the grades of students. Perhaps more important, she says, is the fact that there is no need for science to validate religious beliefs. Lowering Men’s Risk for Fatal Heart Disease Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health tracked the health of more than 28,000 men between the ages of 42 and 77 for 10 years. To contact The Mind Health Report send e-mail to: Luck is one of the ingredients for success. Mrs. A suffered from goiter, arthritis, diabetes, and a rare type of nerve damage, possibly a complication of diabetes, that triggered pain all over her body and weakness in her legs. But instead, try praying to almighty and see the difference. source: Journal of Religion and Health. Decrease sensitivity to pain 4. In recent years, research is being conducted exploring the positive effects that spirituality, especially prayer, has on mental health. Reducing Hostility Researchers in New York surveyed more than 1,600 people to gain a better understanding of how religion protects health. source: Journal of Religion and Health, 10.Improving Recovery From Heart Surgery People who pray with a positive, hopeful attitude as an ongoing part of their lives prior to undergoing heart surgery, experience less depression and anxiety afterwards, both in the short and long term, according to studies at the University of Washington Health Sciences and the University of Pittsburgh. The top mental health benefits of prayer … Report No. If you are disturbed or even depressed and unable to be content, payer helps you. It is been done from ages by man for consolation, peace of mind and mental strength. Scientists refer to the “strength model” of self-control, which suggests … © 2011 Newsmax Media, all rights reserved. It leads to the development of new diseases and also enhances the severity of existing diseases. 10 relaxation techniques to try. So with all these benefits, you should consider incorporating prayer as part of your daily regimen. Earlier research has identified three ways in which religion enhances marriages: By promoting ethical behavior (the Golden Rule) and forgiveness; by providing a family-oriented social network; and by bringing a sense of meaning and purpose to life, which increases resilience to stress. Aiding Recovery From Gambling Addiction A study of 100 people who were pathological gamblers looked at the impact of religion on their ability to overcome their addiction. Regular prayer helps to relieve you from stress. At Dartmouth Medical Center, one of the best predictors of survival among 232 heart patients was the degree to which they drew comfort from prayer. It also helps you get out of other bad habits and distracting things in life gradually. The Mind Health Report compiled a summary of these benefits. However, when parents try to enforce beliefs that the children do not share or easily accept, relationships can worsen. He also mentions the doing prayer brings closure to god. source: PsychoOncology, 5.Protecting Teens Against Drugs Teens who view religion as a meaningful part of their lives are half as likely to use drugs, compared to non-religious teens — especially during stressful times, such as having an unemployed parent. \n document.write(''); source: Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 35. This helps you to take better decisions and avoid mistakes in life. Prayer makes you feel secure. Alleviating Panic Disorder Canadian researchers at the University of Saskatchewan looked at the impact of religion on 56 people suffering from panic disorder, characterized by repeated attacks of intense fear that something bad will occur when not expected. For those in spirituality, a prayer is a great tool for progress. Health benefits of prayer include stress relief and positive attitude. In studies at several medical centers, prayer had been … Stress is the main contributing factor for sickness or illness. They concluded that this was one of the mechanisms that contribute to a longer life among religious people.source: Health Psychology, 45. Prayer Deepens Fellowship with God. Improving Mood and Outlook  Numerous studies have found a strong connection between deeply held religious beliefs and less likelihood and incidence of depression. Improving Family Relationships Compared to non-religious teenagers, those who find meaning and importance in religion, and continue to do so during their teen years, experience a better relationship with each parent. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; If you wish to accomplish something, then prayer give you strength to move forward even in case of hard times. source: Research on Aging. Indeed, there are many mental and physical health benefits to speaking to and cajoling a higher power. Based on questionnaires about patients’ religious convictions, they classified them as “believers” and “non-believers.” The study found thatas a rule, “believers” felt better before, during, and after the treatment, experiencing fewer adverse effects from the disease and the radiation. The Mental Health Benefits of Prayer. Prayer Plant Medicinal use. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a67e7abc76a6fbb25306cfea2d365c60" );document.getElementById("b8b66fda06").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Why is Discipline Important | It's Advantages & Benefits, How to Worship Lord Hanuman for quick Benefits, Corruption effects | On People, Society and Economy, How Do Humans Affect the Environment Negatively, Effects of Procrastination on Relationships, academics and in workplace, Importance of Respect in Life, Relationships and Career, Effects of Urbanization | Its Impact on Environment and Society, What are the Causes of Unemployment | 10 Main Factors Explained, How to Transform Your Life | Tips to Change for Better. 02-05 … source: Health Psychology, 28. If you have money, you can buy an opportunity or even at max the position. Not me. In general, during such times we tend to run behind other for help and a sense of security. document.write('\n Prayer gives you confidence and helps you to focus more towards your goal. It reduces stress, anger, and hostility, and has a beneficial effect on one’s physical and emotional health. source: The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 8.Reducing Genetic Risk for Depression Adults with the highest risk of depression, due to a family history of the condition, are one-tenth as likely to suffer from depression if religion is important in their lives and they frequently attend religious services, according to a study at Columbia University. The Health Benefits of Prayer. Treats depression. \n Decelerate aging and prolong lifespan by lengthening telomeres . Health Benefits of Prayer Those who pray have stronger immune systems, lower BP and better cardiovascular functionality. Forgiveness is associated with better overall health and satisfaction with life. At the University of Pittsburgh, researchers looked at the role of religion among more than 1,200 caregivers.They found that three aspects of faith reduced caregiver stress, improved mood, and fostered a brighter outlook: attendance at religious services, private prayer or meditation, and strength of personal beliefs. Lowering Blood Pressure A number of studies have shown a correlation between religious beliefs and practice and lower blood pressure. Please note that this advice is generic and not specific to any individual. source: International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 18. In one study, people who prayed for a romantic partner harbored fewer vengeful thoughts and emotions and were more ready to forgive and move on after a conflict. For example, a study of more than 600 middle-age and older adults, by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, examined how both men and women experienced the influence of religious beliefs that protected them against symptoms of depression. All information presented in The Mind Health Report should not be construed as medical consultation or instruction. “Some people are sick and have pain, and it gets the best of them. source: Journal of Marriage and Family. document.write(''); Half the participants were guided on a daily basis by their personal beliefs, describing their perspective this way: “My religious beliefs are what really lie behind my whole approach to life.” Their blood pressure was not significantly affected by stress. Lowers Inflammation. Those all the health benefits of prayer and meditation that not only become a … The intention is to guide students in the right path and also have a sense of dignity, humble outlook and prepare for the work. Readers are advised to consult a health professional about any issue regarding their health and well-being. For permission, contact the publisher at: PO Box 20989, West Palm Beach, FL 33416. “And in lots of religious organizations, there are prayers for groups of people.”. //--> But trying to do beyond that would be more of a ritual and not prayer at all. Praying and thanksgiving can improve your health and help you heal naturally. source: Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 12. Even during a job or work, due to politics or other issues, you may feel insecure. So with so many benefits, it is advisable to pray daily once in the morning. So, with regular prayer one tends to get out of health ailments caused due to psychological problems. Those children whose mothers were religious were less anxious. And at the end, I came out successful with all the fame and respect in my college. Cardiovascular Health.