Homeworld Their most distinctive features are the twin conical horns growing on the top of their heads, which act as … Gray[3] Sociocultural characteristics [38] Although a poll conducted by HoloNet News showed that a majority of respondents believed that violence was inevitable in the crisis,[39] the events provided the impetus for the Clone Wars that engulfed the galaxy for the next few years. The intent of the operation was to breed distrust between Humans and prominent nonhuman races of the New Republic. [14] Another Gotal bounty hunter active during the Clone Wars partnered with the Rodian Greedo to kidnap the Pantorans Chi Eekway Papanoida and Che Amanwe Papanoida for the Trade Federation. Average height [2] As a result,[source?] Gotal hunters could se… Gotals are large, mammalian bipeds with two cone-shaped protuberances on the tops of their heads. This led some non-Gotals to assume the species lacked emotion entirely,[11] and many species to be uncomfortable around and mistrustful of Gotals. [78] Also during that conflict, a group of Gotal ruffians worked for the Moogan smuggler Tee Va. Star Wars Lore Gotals were tall, hairy humanoids who evolved on the moon Antar 4. Full body fur, flat noses, head cones[1] [29] During the Galactic Civil War, some Gotal soldiers—including Terrlarn[69][70]—became mercenaries and bounty hunters;[1] while others joined the Rebellion or its successor, the Alliance of Free Planets. [11] Their senses also picked up the electromagnetic auras from other life forms. At other times, Antar would block all sunlight to both hemispheres. [1], Although they were easily disoriented around devices that produced high levels of electromagnetic interference, the Gotals managed to develop quite sophisticated levels of technology. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Gotal Foreign Affairs Commune, a group which existed circa 22 BBY, did act as spokespeople for the Gotals during diplomatic crises, but their role in Gotal government is otherwise uncertain. Mahk'khar obtained a powerful dark side relic, which he traded to the dark Jedi Durrei on the abandoned planet Jandoon. Each introduces a unique dimension of the Star Wars … Distinctions Many Gotal were sympathetic to the Empire. Perhaps because of his inability to sense emotions, this "blind" Gotal was a fearsome psychopath by his people's standards. 1.8 meters[1] Gotals were a species of tall, hairy humanoid sentients native to the moon Antar 4. Upon responding to a distress call from the Empyrean, the Captain discovered a group of Gamorrean scavengers led by Ugmush, and subsequently arrested them. Galaxy of Intrigue Pag 14. $4.84 + $7.30 shipping . Extra: species is known to bend light around themselves to become invisible to others. [88] Either Cobb or makeup artist Laine Liska sculpted the Gotal masks and hands used in the film. [23] Gotals' natural body odor was similar to the smell of mildew and old sweat. Eye color Givins have an innate … The rival hunter, the Rodian Tressk, hired a group of adventurers to kill eighteen members of the Gotal hunting party. Star Wars, all name and sounds, and any other Star Wars related items and related properties are trademarks and/or copyrights, in the United States and other countries, of Lucasfilm Ltd. and/or … This exclusive Star Wars audio dramatization features a wall-to-wall mix of densely interwoven environmental sounds, and authentic Star Wars special effects. [16] Another team of Gotal hunters and trappers pursued non-sentient prey along the Rryatt Trail on the planet Kashyyyk. [77] During a raid at the Fungus Pit cantina Gestal was killed. Now, click EDIT to start adding more details! [1], At least some Gotals were able to sense the Force with their cones. These horns were … Only a minority of Gotals were willing to work with the Empire in any case, since their empathic sense led them to distrust the promises of Imperial diplomats. Some Gotals became romantically attached to non-Gotals, but they only seemed to be sexually attracted to other creatures with cones or horns on their heads. [1] Gotal would mate for life, and would bear young as soon as their lifestyles permitted it. Antar 4[1] [21] Their overall body plan was humanoid, with proportions generally similar to Humans. Jauxson terrorized several Bith cities until he was finally stopped by a group of offworlders. [22] Another Gotal at this time was a member of the Raptors, a gang that operated in the undercity of Coruscant. [12][13] Gotals relied heavily on their cones, with their eyesight and hearing being quite weak, and their sense of smell almost completely absent. [25], According to Gotal myth, their head cones could detect evil. [29] Non-Gotals were incapable of mastering Gotal because so much of the language relied on unspoken cues sensed with head cones. Personalidade: Educados, discretos, civilizados e apáticos. [12], The ruthless Imperial era financier Sarlim Gastess was among the few Gotals whose cones were non-functional. Homeworld [83] Another group of Gotals maintained a pirate base in the Kashyyyk system. While many Gotals had a first name and a second name, such as Abav Ghart, Kith Kark, Mnor Nha, and Pari Not-goth, others went by single names like Lishma and Tuuve. Free shipping . [1], During the time of the New Republic, Gotals were one of the nonhuman races targeted in Warlord Zsinj's plot to destabilize the New Republic. [Source]. Gotal Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Galaxy of Intrigue Gotals are tall beings covered in thick fur that come from the moon Antar 4, one of several that orbit the gas giant Antar in the … In the Republic's final years, however, the relationship between the Gotals and the rest of the galaxy became increasingly strained. After Roshu Sune terrorists set off bombs in Antarian Ranger chapterhouses, the Jedi and their Antarian Ranger allies invaded Antar 4 in retaliation. [37] After the battle, many Gotal refugees fled to Atzerri, leading to the Gotal hostage standoff. The Jedi forced their way into the hopper and killed the Gotal militants. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. [84] Gotals were among the crew of the pirate leader Drek Drednar. [27] Though they had little government of their own, Gotals did send representatives to participate in galactic-level governments,[28] and Gotals living among non-Gotals even worked in local government bureaucracies. )[1], Young Gotals often had trouble assimilating the information arriving from their cones, and were in a constant state of agitated confusion until they learned to filter unwanted signals after about one standard year. Gotals were part of galactic society as far back as the early days of the Galactic Republic. [32], Their electromagnetic senses often led them to employment as trackers, soldiers, and bounty hunters. Gotal civilian cobbled together out of Garry's Mod resources scaled to be used as an NPC on a star wars legion board. 1 History 1.1 The Gotal … [87] Later, a Gotal worked on Atzerri as a guard for Joreb Goss, a drug addict. Edge of the Empire is the first of three standalone, but fully cross-compatible roleplaying systems. [76] During the Clone Wars, the Gotal Noric Gestal, led a pirate and slaver gang on the planet Ryloth. Gotal communities were considered among the most harmonious civilizations in the galaxy. Their most distinctive features were the twin conical horns growing on the top of their heads, which acted … The Jedi response turned the Gotals, and the people of thousands of other worlds, against the Republic. [1] Many Gotals joined the Jedi Order; as Jedi Knights, their natural empathic abilities supplemented their ability to use the Force. [42] By 9 ABY, the New Republic had liberated their homeworld, together with the rest of the Inner Rim Territories. Darth Vader then used the Dark side of the Force to burn his mind, transforming him into a feral beast, driven by fear, and used him as a fanatical guard. Eye color Biological classification [40] During the Clone Wars, Antar 4 was conquered by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Gotal hunters and soldiers were difficult to ambush or trap, and easily saw through most attempts at camouflage. "[15] Other sources indicated that both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Empire had conducted inconclusive research which attempted to train Gotals to sense the Force. She later arrested the investigative journalist Yarbolk Yemm and ordered him thrown out an airlock to protect the Loronar Corporation, which was behind the Death Seed outbreak. Despite this, Gotal parents were devoted to their children, and young Gotals would have children as soon as they could manage it. White,[3] gray to brown[4] [1], Gotal sensory cones allowed them to keep their emotions to themselves. View Gotal Mercenary #44 Legacy of the Force Star Wars Miniatures Common and other Legacy of the Force Singles at TrollandToad.com. The operation was able to brainwash certain individuals to attempt to assassinate major leaders in the New Republic. [1] The most sensitive Gotals even avoided the relatively low-level emissions of Antar 4's city centers, preferring to live in remote wilderness areas. Gotals were a humanoid species from the moon Antar 4. Skin color Descrição Física: Humanóides altos com faces planas e alongadas. Sometimes, one side of Antar 4 would be illuminated by the sun Prindaar, while the other received almost the same amount of light from the highly reflective surface of the gas giant Antar. [89] Cobb's concept illustrations feature biological notes, describing the species as a "High Tundra" creature. [45] At some point during the New Republic's existence, the Shi'ido anthropologist Mammon Hoole included an entry on the Gotals in his publication The Essential Guide to Alien Species. She was accompanied by a Gotal Chief medical officer. Antarian[6] Classification [11], The Gotals spoke both Basic and Gotal, their native tongue. As such, Gotals numbered among the most sought-after hunters in the galaxy. [49], After joining galactic society, Gotals could be found on almost any planet with a significant non-Human population,[1] including Berchest,[50] Centares,[51] Engebo V,[52] Horn Station,[53] Teyr,[54] and Vaced. [72] Around that same time, a Gotal guard worked as a sentry outside the headquarters of the murderous dictator Uda-Khalid. This language lacked vocabulary to express emotional states, and even their version of Basic avoided such terms and context. [19], Gotals had flat, elongated faces[11] with reddish, heavy-lidded eyes, small, flat noses, and a wide, downturned mouth full of blunt, yellow[20] or white teeth. [20][3] Their skin color varied from gray-brown to black,[4] and their fur came in white[3] or shades of brown or gray. In fact, while smaller cones could be just as energy sensitive as large ones, small-horned Gotals frequently enhanced their appearance with larger false cones. They tended to keep a calm and restrained demeanor when dealing with others, speaking of emotions only abstractly. Gotal are a Species in the Star Wars universe. [79] Other Gotal toughs worked for Mandalore's Prime Minister Almec, helping him secretly funnel foodstuffs into the black market; these Gotals were caught on holocam by a group of young cadets at Mandalore's Royal Academy of Government. [16] Other species respected the Gotals for their discretion and restraint, but some individuals feared interacting with the horned beings for fear of having their emotional state revealed to others. [11] Some Gotals spoke Basic with a bleating cadence. Hair color They set up camp in the Shadowlands on the planet's surface. Gotals were a species of tall, humanoid sentients native to the moon Antar 4. The Gotals tracked Tane to the Homestar cantina in Coronet City, on the planet Corellia. Gotals were a sentient species. [Source]. ~ The Force Unleashed ~. All product is new (unless otherwise stated on the page). How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Servants of the Empire: Rebel in the Ranks, The Adventures of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight, Dealing with Lando/Han and Chewie Strike Back, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles, Star Wars: How Not to Get Eaten by Ewoks and Other Galactic Survival Skills, Every Language in Star Wars Movies | Star Wars By the Numbers, SWCC 2019: 6 Surprises from Inside the Mos Eisley Cantina, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Gotal?oldid=9552007. While male Gotals typically had a thick fringe of hair around their cheeks and chins, this was absent in female Gotals. [56] A Gotal in a brown robe was present at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina on Tatooine in 0 BBY on the day smuggler Han Solo shot and killed the Rodian bounty hunter Greedo. [65] Other Gotals were present when the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 scoured the lower market districts for jogan fruit. $14.99. [54], Other Gotals found legitimate work. [1], The Gotals joined the Galactic Republic between 25,000 and 22,000 BBY,[31] becoming one of the first species to send representatives to its newly formed Galactic Senate. [10] During the Clone Wars, two Gotal trackers were employed by the Human Tendir Blue to capture Ratri Tane, a defector from the Techno Union who had sensitive information about his former employer. [81] Another such was Jauxson, a Gotal pirate captain who ran a pirate gang on the Bith homeworld of Clak'dor VII at some point during the Galactic Civil War. The Gotals did not benefit from the war, and were greatly impoverished during the Confederate occupation. They used electromagnetic pulse weapons in desperation, even though such weapons caused immense pain and disorientation for civilian Gotals caught in the crossfire. Their most distinctive features were the twin conical horns growing on the top of their heads, which acted as highly responsive electromagnetic sensors. When Duchess Satine Kryze investigated the Moogan smuggling, she and her personal guards attacked a warehouse where the Gotals were working, killing several in the ensuing skirmish. [1] Consequently, the species was notoriously distrustful of droids. [3] The Gotal Dakk worked as the armorsmith for the Hutt Borvo in Kaadara on the planet Naboo. Antar 4[1] Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. This ability to quickly and easily judge another Gotal's emotional state was fundamental to their culture. Gotals possessed cranial horns as receptors to sense electromagnetism and other energy emissions. When a pair of Jedi—Aayla Secura and Ylenic It'kla—showed themselves in the cantina, the Gotals escaped with Tane after a brief skirmish. [12], Gotals formed intense bonds with one another upon first meeting,[11] and love at first "sight" was the norm among Gotals, whose empathic nature made the elaborate courtship rituals of other sentients unnecessary. Gotals were a species of tall, hairy humanoid sentients native to the moon Antar 4. When the Devaronian Vilmarh Grahrk warned Vos that the Gotal was not a Jedi as he claimed, Vos dispatched the imposter. [27] During this crisis, the Roshu Sune militants captured a commuter hopper that had 25 passengers, one of whom was Nathanjo Nirrelz. During the Battle of Antar 4, the Jedi and the Antarian Rangers took heavy casualties. Distinctions Using chemical reactions where other species would use electronics, the Gotals managed to colonize four of Antar's other five moons, and set up mining operations on the fifth, even before Galactic Republic explorers contacted them. [12] Nevertheless, the quirks of Gotals made them effective diplomats, mediators,[11] businesspeople, and gamblers. These head cones were sensitive enough to pick up subtle changes in another being's electromagnetic emissions from emotional changes, making Gotals natural empaths. A sentient species from the Inner Rim world of Yag’Dhul, Givins’ white, skeletal-looking faces and seemingly anguished expressions are unsettling to humans. As light was not always available there, Antarian animal life could not rely on sight as a primary sense. Some Gotals had four fingers and a thumb with short, conical claws on each digit;[1] others had only four or three digits per limb with much longer claws making up a large portion of each finger. Grey fur, and were greatly impoverished during the Battle of Antar 4 was a world with a day/night! Children as soon as they could manage it for civilian Gotals caught in the Republic 's years. 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