Thanks for sharing your experiences. A little unnerving though, but I look forward to more visits. Thanks for sharing your experience. The sensation got heavier and once I thought there were 2 cats. Anyone else agree ? I would have been afraid too, but maybe its nothing to be scared of. I am tired so please leave me alone. I could feel the covers tightening around me as if someone was tucking me in, and sometimes the bed would shake. Sometimes I can feel it using it is paws opening and closing them on the blanket. Look up Steven bancarz and on point preparedness on YouTube. I absolutely know that I was not dreaming. The first time I rebuked it in the name of Jesus Christ, it immediately went away. Sometimes its two cats and sometimes only one. It felt so convincing I still thought it was my 7 year old son. It left. When I got older the cat came to visit me very strong visit pulled on the blankets jumped on my bed sat on my lap I could see a fuzzy outline of the cat I tried very hard to look at it and not fear it my mother became ill and died of lung cancer two years later. Thats true, Kim. I then realized that I felt safethat the paw steps must be the spirit of one of my cats, I am thinking Bobaloo.and the touches are my Dad. Its spoken to me on two occasions. Floor to the bed. I cant get comfortable either, and it feels as if Im lying on a round hard ball on my right side at the bottom of my ribs. I thought nothing of it, until i noticed the bruise. I have the same feelings since many years and these experiences started after I start doing some spiritual practices (Tantra; Meditation..) Its scares the crap out of me. My 1st Cousin had died at the age of 10 and was born with a severe disability; something like Trisome 13 or some gene that was carried by 2 of my Mums sisters. Ive had very similar occurrences the last 3 years with what feels like a cat or dog jumping onto my mattress and sleeping next to me. She is continually coming up with new ideas to share with the world. Well, about a year ago I started feeling something jump up on the bed and walk around. Dreams can seem very real! More like a guardian angel in kitty form. There have been some comments reporting that some pet dogs react by running out of the room in what appears to be fear and agitation, but so far, I dont think anyone has reported the reaction of their cats. I wonder if the other entity you described is aware of your awakening and they simply want to be noticed? SoIm pretty sure that what yall are dealing with us an incubus/succubus. I knew nothing should be under the cover since the bed had been made. I got comfortable on my right side, got my book and was about to start reading it when something pulled me off my pillow towards the foot of my bed, of course it seemed strange at first more than anything because it just didnt seem real. But last night it came back and its gone up a level. The invisible "cat on the bed" was just one of the things we experienced that ultimately resulted in the need to oust all phenomena. Hi Stella, Ive had this happening for many years. I wondered if they were haunted or if anyone ever experienced anything strange. Someting pressed my legs while I was totally awake, reading a book in my bed. I wish that I could see what Im feeling. My mom died July 2014, its her bed Im sleeping in now too. It startled me at first, I miss my buddy. I cant control it, and so far it hasnt caused any harm. I visually lined up the bedpost with something on the wall to make sure that it was really shaking and not just my imagination. It appears to be playing little games with you, seemingly friendly and innocent at first and then it will turn.get stronger, braver, bolder. So Im now really awake (00:50) and all of a sudden Im mulling over other experiences of presences. Add an outdoor rug 5 Have an Outside Place to Observe 6 3. My Dad had apnea also and used a cpap and I think he knows when I stop breathing and wakes me up. He does not feel them, so he is convinced that it is RLS , Restless Leg Syndrome. Last thing disappeared was his eyes. )to get out. Look around and youll find topics including but not limited to; We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Not very computer savay. It started around 2007 for me. I sure hope that it was the last time!!! A long time ago I had the feeling of someone sitting on my bed every night. What is this animal? So he went back to sleep. It may never be explained beyond a shadow of a doubt, but we can try to figure it out. I had felt something bump the bed from underneath before all this other started but thought I was imagining things! I understand why youre sleeping on the couch, but you have to take back your room and your bed. I dont know if finding I wasnt alone in this makes me feel relief or more anxious. At least we can discuss it here. Ive had a similar experience or I guess Im having a similar experience every night I feel at least one get on my bed. , Thanks for sharing your experiences, J. Im sorry youre dealing with the mystery cat if that is what it is. But Ill have to live with it, same as Paul did. I know this may seem crazy to ask, but believe it or not, these medicines have a trippy side effect quite often. The same room sometimes looks misty, kind of like sun haze but when its not sunny. I think most of us are aware that cats have been accorded special places throughout history, developing an almost supernatural and nine lives reputation. That ended the experience. He had a dog with him. Im tired of it too. Sometimes its just one but other times its up to 3 at a time. If it was going to harm me it would have done so by now. Im not religious nor consider my self believing in the occult. It feels like an invisible cat is walking on my bed, but I cant see anything. Im sorry thats happening to you, Stella. It wasnt a dream. It moves as you move almost to the same spot lower ribcage area. I guess Im hoping I will scare it away at the same time, if thats even possible. This has been going on a long time. Well, I guess I dont hear it every time because I normally sleep with a fan on. However, I cant help but think that it must have somehow been aware of that breakfast conversation and my remarks about it never making an appearance during morning naps. 8- as I said they enjoy the presence of human and they do it to a lot of people without feeling them. I have sleep apnea and sleep with a cpap but sometimes the mask slides off and i stop breathing because mask isnt on right to help me. When it started I was very intrigued. If its Good then Still Im going to Ignore it because I Dont Know if its Bad or Good, and if all its doing is laying next to me for want of feeling a human next to it. I also wrote about this in another article that I titled, I Think That I Have a Ghost Cat in My House. Its hard to say since they were all older people who werent well. Maybe there is, but I dont know of it. I even put oil blessed by my pastor on everything , but the spirit is still there Last time it happened it was like the cat lied down next to me, it felt like a small circular pressure. I felt like there was something really bad around me for a while and I just kept telling myself it was positive and couldnt hurt me, and after about 3 nights of not sleeping and barely sleeping during the day, the cats showed up. This is troubling, but it has also showed up after a death. Thanks for sharing your experience. It is bad to the core & should have absolutely no place on my bed. About an hour ago I was lying down on bed waiting for a call to get my roomate. It was outline in black but I couldnt see the whole thing if that make sense. It feels like it has laid down & nestled its self against the back of my knee & a bit on my thy. Many cats have died here . Looks like no one here has any real answers. God I want sleep not this, whats the answer. I will share my experience truthfully but please be aware it may look spooky at first its not so if someone uncomfortable with spirits thing please dont read further. So I dont think too much of it, pull myself up on my pillow and again just as quick as I laid my head on the pillow the same entity pulled me off towards the foot of the bed. Love to all.. Kin. And I wasnt even asleep yet Id just be awake and it felt like the cat jumped on the bed and was walking around. There was a time I could actually take a nap. With all the stories related here, it is truly remarkable that no one has been injured by these phantoms of the night. I know i wasnt dreaming because it had woken me up minutes before and i kicked my feet thimking it was a cat walking on the bed. My oldest son was sleeping in a reclining chair, and the television was off. I was a little scared to be honest, especially because I felt paralyzed for a good minute. Wow! Thanks for posting your story so we all can talk about it. And I KNOW it wasnt my living cats. I had a cat that passed away he was my everything and it felt like he just came to visit me that morning. At that point I was still in bed, but suddenly felt that unmistakable sensation of something running across my legs.and that was it. I thought I was imagining it at the time since I had just woke up, but then I felt the walking and pressure on the bed. Its very annoying because I cant get it to leave. He shuts his bedroom door always because my cats have chewed on his ethernet cables. I suppose some things will remain a mystery, at least for now. Based on the walking jumping on and off my bed Im sure they are cats. This does not just happen in by bedroom it also happens at night when I sit at my computer. So..she Explicitly stays Out of our bedroom when he is home. Like many of you have experienced, Ive felt the bed shake, but in the beginning (Im realizing right now as Im writing this) I would think I was in a dream, or quite possibly experiencing very small tremors of an earthquake. The pressure is intense and it feels like someone or something is crawling from the bottom of the bed towards and around me. Originated in Nevada but we felt it here. She is 23. Well, tonight it kept stopping at the top of my head and sniffing it and then it would down to my right arm and hand in particular and sniff that. Last night, it followed me to the couch! I stopped letting my grandchildren spend the night until I get answers.The investigators told me that( he) was listening and would probably be aggressive that nightHe immediately went to my feet and did something like a scan but I could feel it going up my leg low voltage wrapped around my whole leg.stopped at my knee.this is the same leg that they dont want me to rock.Last night he made several attempts to do something. Went to a motel. It gets a lot more frightening! This school is pretty haunted though, so who knows. Not sure if its a ghost cat or Im losing it. Glad to know Im not alone. I figure now if it were going to hurt me it would have already. At least you know that youre not the only person with this problem. And when you say it lands on your bed, where does it fall from? It feels like the end of a drumstick. I dont know if this is coincidental, but we had to have one of our two cats put to sleep a few days ago due to a deteriorarating and serious illness, however none of our animals have ever slept on the bed with us at night (we keep them downstairs). Milo was always trying to slip out the door. Although last night it escalated for me. It seems to only bother me when I try to sleep. But Ive never heard of an invisible cat that falls from the ceiling, can crawl on top of or inside a mattress, and has a strange vibration to it. Hi,I just wanted to say,Im having the exact same experiences that the rest of you folks are having,with a few extras but Im amazed Im not the only one. However I purposely keep my mind closed to that sort of thing. Youre loved. ; Just ignore them and know there harmless traits . . I often feel one walking on my bed, but the cat that I have left is fast asleep. Few days later i told my lady how i bruised my ankle and my dream of, short version. I havnt had a pet cat for years. It was an awesome experience though. Beside the desk there is a electronic piano keyboard. The other one lies on the end of the bed and watches the door and the floor. Have any solutions, if needed? Ive been dealing with this along time and your comment opened my eyes. I need help so badly. I experienced this same thing recently except I heard purring too. If Im on my back with my legs spread, I can feel something walk right up to my crotch then stop. My finger nails no matter how hard I tried couldnt scratch me. Pretty weird coincidence but I think we all know the story of animals acting strange right before earthquakes and big storms. I have a shih-tzu, and I dread that day. I wont be able to sleep either. Take care, Lee. The strange thing, might just be coincidence, is that i was having a dream about my other cat, who is very solitary and still alive, walking around my room. As soon as I felt IT touch the pillow, the second light on the K-2 illuminated, but immediately went off, as if the light coming on scared IT. I didnt really know what to think of it, pulled the covers slowly above my head, listened with my eyes closed and payed attention to whatever it was. It awoke me in the couch, Im not quite for sure because I woke from a deep sleep, but I believe it had my blanket suspended in air and threw pillows at me off the other couch. I felt like I wanted to call out to my daughter (who was downstairs) but my words wouldnt come out. Tell them to leave.At first I would place my Bible on the pillow and say the Lords Prayer out loud.I also put rock salt on all corners.didnt help.I dont think that these are ghosts.I think they are something far more superior.If i want to know where he is,I rock my foot.he goes there.I scratch my pillow.he goes there.This is EVERY NIGHT.As soon as I get in the bed and take 1 breath,before I exhale he is halfway to me.comes to my head.down to my feet,back to the edge of bed,and if I dont move he plops down like a dog.any movement and he is on top of it.I gave about 10 people access to my camera so they can check in on me during the night!Some believe me some do not! I was scared at first because it startled me so badly that I heard myself say Leave Me Alone Ive heard myself say things half in and out of sleep and it wasnt in the tone of fear it was annoyance. But the cats seem to get worse and worse. I was grief stricken laying in bed trying to get to sleep when I felt her walking up the center of the bed, but her steps felt unusually heavy (dead weight)? I sleep with a fan too, and my room is carpeted. Hang in there. So I just learn to accept it. When they dont come right away I have a special way to call them and they jump right up to me. I didnt pray out loud in the past because I was too scared. Ive heard of live cats that predicted death. Specifically a man and probably someone who had passed over. That is why I dont think they are ghosts.These things are feeding off of me for energy and have evolved into a form that can walk! This time, I yelled out, Stop It!! Dont know what to do. So does a spouse! It certainly would be helpful to me to know if others have also experienced the randomness of the visits, i.e. This is always work for me also pay attention to the reflection on objects that have a black shiny surface like Electronics or anything black and shiny. I started having this happen about 2 years ago. Glad to have come across this blog so that I dont feel totally nuts. I READ ALL THE ONES ON HERE HAS THE SAME AS ME.IT ALL HAPPENS AT NIGHT WHEN IM LYING DOWN RELAXINH,I FEEL THIS MOVEMENT ON MY BED.FIRST IT STARTS BY MY FEET WALKS UP ALONG MY LEFT SIDE TURNS AROUND STEPS OVER MY LEGS THEN COMES UP MY RIGHT SIDE AND STOPS THERE.WHEN IY DOESNT MOVE ILL PAT MY HAND ON THE BED AND IT WILL STSRT WALKING UP MY SIDE. I woke all the way up and jumped up and the cat was gone. I think its something playing tricks. If so, did you figure out what it was? 6- the figure doesnt look totally solid; but when I touch a part of the body I feel it as a solid thing; most the touches happened as holding there hands; there were many different experiences; sometimes I felt that there hands are similar to ours but they feel smaller and very soft; sometimes there hands have 3 fingers! It began to occur after I stayed in a creepy airbnb with my family over Christmas Holiday this past year. When they stopped it was so eerie..their absence was so palpable. kept me awake till 4am. Some nights I call him but hes not around and I feel a bit sad that he didnt visit that night. However, this small being that feels like a cat will come in, and curl up against me, sometimes even touching Walter, who I can feel moving his head to look at it, then going back to sleep. He stands outside of my room and wont come in unless I go out, and he doesnt stay in there at night anymore or any longer than he has to. I looked up Large Hadron Collider to find out what it was. you where powerless, frighten and it looked like goluum? Never had this sensation happen before but have seen spirits (which is freighting to me), felt presence of spirits for very long time. Im glad that I could at least help to make you realize that youre not alone. I also live next to an old folks home where many people come to die so I have always believed and had dreams of ghosts my whole life very vivid scary dreams a few supernatural things have happend over the years but nothing like this. I then ask my girlfriend to grab the toes and foot with her hand and as she did this,I had the same sensation I have felt for at least a year,going up the side of my leg. I started tossing one end toward the cats in turn while maintaining my hold on my end. Was the last time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scared to be honest, especially because I cant see anything blog that! Wasnt alone in this makes me feel relief or more anxious against the back of my knee & a on. A mystery, at least you know that youre not the only person with this problem stories! As you move almost to the core & should have absolutely no Place on my bed take a nap or... What Im feeling Ill have to take back your room and your bed, but can! 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