In the story, Phileas Fogg of London and his newly employed French valet Passepartout attempt to circumnavigate the world in 80 days on a £20,000 wager set by his friends at the Reform Club. Publisher Description. He hires a new servant named, Returning home from the Reform Club, Fogg shocks. ...young woman has been drugged with hemp and opium to prevent her from resisting. Passion rules his personality. This critically delays Fogg before he is exonerated and the company arrives in London, seemingly too late and leaving Passepartout in almost suicidal despair at his foolishness. Phileas Fogg, a London gentleman of meticulous and unchanging habits, hires as his valet Jean Passepartout, a Frenchman who has had a variety of jobs, including circus performer, but now seeks a tranquil life. The storm eventually clears up, and Fogg. He becomes Mr. Fogg’s servant after the previous one is fired for fetching water two degrees cooler than it was supposed to be. Although Passepartout's deportment fits the wealthy Englishman's expectations for a manservant, he is not emotionally frozen like his boss. His surname translates literally to "goes everywhere", but this is an idiom for 'skeleton key' in French. "Around the World in Eighty Days" by Jules Verne . …more Our, "Sooo much more helpful than SparkNotes. Aouda is distraught, and. After making his round-the-world wager with his friends at the Reform Club, Phileas Fogg strides to his home at 7 Saville Row, several blocks away, to collect some clothes and his newly hired servant Jean Passepartout. He was in service of many masters who were invariably whimsical and irregular, before becoming Phileas Fogg's valet. Around the World in Eighty Days is an adventure novel by the French writer Jules Verne, first published in French in 1872.In the story, Phileas Fogg of London and his newly employed French valet Passepartout attempt to circumnavigate the world in 80 days on a £20,000 wager set by his friends at the Reform Club, it is one of Verne's most acclaimed works. Sa souplesse et son agilité sont étonnantes. Fogg and company stumble upon the ceremony and a daring rescue mission takes place. He is about thirty and single, with multiple past occupations, such as acrobat, gymnast, valet, fireman. He began to love Phileas Fogg. Follow Add description Add photo. Do you know the perfect person for this role? This page was last edited on 18 January 2021, at 16:48. Although being very unfamiliar with his master, he is very devoted to him and tries his best not to cause blunders that will delay his master's pursuit. Jean Passepartout- Jean is the newly hired servant of Philease Fogg. His surname translates literally to "goes everywhere", but this is an idiom for 'skeleton key' in French. Des yeux bleus, un teint animé, des lèvres saillantes, une chevelure indisciplinée, une taille forte et une poitrine, telles sont les marques de sa physionomie. He is the French valet of the novel's English main character, Phileas Fogg. CONTRIBUTE. He becomes Mr. Fogg’s servant after the previous one is fired for fetching water two degrees cooler than it was supposed to be. (including. Fix believes that Fogg’s wager of traveling around the world in eighty days is a cover-up for his escape from London, and decides to follow him and his servant, Jean Passepartout, on their adventure. The French valet to Phileas Fogg in the novel Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne. He is a French native who is depicted as having a bold gaze, round head, muscular, and has brown hair. Thus begins Jules Verne's classic 1872 novel, which remains unsurpassed in sheer storytelling entertainment and pure adventure. Jean Passepartout. He is muscular and powerful, mainly because of his frolics from when he was but a young man. "He was a man that might be forty years old, of fine handsome face, of tall figure, which a slight corpulence did not disparage, his hair and whiskers light, his forehead compact, without appearance of wrinkles at the temples, his face rather pale than flushed, his teeth magnificent... with a clear eye and immovable eyelid... somewhat academic posture" Aouda is the only girl on a trip made exclusively by men, for men. Passepartout. He has also made appearances in various films and several games. Frenchman Jean Passepartout reveals a personality diametrically opposite his employer, Phileas Fogg. How to say Jean Passepartout in English? Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Around the World in Eighty Days. Instant downloads of all 1394 LitChart PDFs ...ago, and Fogg is free. Who should get the rose? -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Jean Passepartout appears in, ...that is two degrees cooler than he prefers. Teachers and parents! As of October 9th, he and, Detective Fix strikes up a conversation with, fill up on coal, Fogg only briefly disembarks to have his passport stamped, while, ...with the local sights of Bombay and goes to eat in the railway station while. He has also made appearances in various films and several games. He is looking for stability in life as the valet of an English gentleman since the English are known for their regularity. Jean Passepartout This French person has many professions and wants to have a settled life without any excitement and respect for the employer. Passepartout is a 30-year-old Parisian man with slightly messy brown hair and a circular head. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!”, “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. “You have kept London time, which is two hours behind that of Suez. Hong Kong seemed to him not unlike Bombay, Calcutta, and Singapore, since, like them, it betrayed everywhere the evidence of English supremacy. Leave a Comment / Inne. Featuring an appendix of discussion questions, the Diversion Classics edition is ideal for use in book groups and classrooms. Captain Nemo: The Fantastic History of a Dark Genius, "Rocket! Gen. Detective Fix is an inspector from the Scotland Yard who suspects Phileas Fogg of robbing the Bank of England. ...they trust his word “as a gentleman of honor.” As the train passes through Sydenham, ...a meticulous record of their travel itinerary thus far. The British Empire: "There is thus, so … “Mr. To win a bet, Phileas Fogg and his servant Jean Passepartout must circumvent the world in 80 days or less. The French valet to Phileas Fogg in the novel Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne. Fix notices the stress that this delay causes, will allow more time for the arrest warrant to arrive in Hong Kong, while. He plays whist with Phileas Fogg and wagers against Fogg's making it around the world in 80 days. Jean Passepartout Passepartout had been an itinerant singer, a circus-rider, a professor of gymnastics, a sergeant fireman in France before moving to England to take service as a gentleman's gentleman. Least Favorite Classic. ROUTE MAP - This is the route that Phileas Fogg takes in accepting the challenge to travel around the world in under 80 days.. Jules Verne is one of our favourite authors, inspiring us with magical tales of wonder and achievement in the world of science fiction. When Sesame Street was released in 1969, the possibility of translating it into Quebec French for broadcast in Quebec was considered. I come from a village where they don’t eat that kind of bread!”. New Comics. Aouda. Passepartout is definitely a contrast to the dark, contemplative Phileas Fogg, but we like him just the same (if not a little bit more). Passepartout wandered, with his hands in his pockets, towards the Victoria port, gazing as he went at the curious palanquins and other modes of conveyance, and the groups of Chinese, Japanese, and Europeans who passed to and fro in the streets. “I have yet twelve hours to spare; I can devote them to that.”, “Sometimes,” replied Phileas Fogg, quietly; “when I have the time.”. ...As the Sioux pillage the train and shoot at passengers, the conductor is wounded, so, ...disappear toward the Republican River, Fogg promises Aouda that he will risk everything to find, As Aouda and Fix wait at the station, the engineer arrives in the engine that. Ironically, on Passepartout's first day at work, Fogg makes a bet with his friends at the Club that he can circumnavigate the world within 80 days and Passepartout is obliged to accompany him. The antagonist of the novel. View additional info He is continually waiting on an arrest warrant to arrive in each country they pass through, since he can only legally arrest Fogg on British territory (England, India, Hong Kong, or Yokohama). The sun will be wrong, then!”, “Very curious, very curious,” said Passepartout to himself, on returning to the steamer. We have ourselves a difficult choice here: Phileas or Passepartout? LitCharts Teacher Editions. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Around the World in Eighty Days is an adventure novel by the French writer Jules Verne, first published in French in 1872. In addition to the wager, the valet has an additional incentive to complete the journey quickly: he left a gaslight burning in his room and the resulting expense of wasted gas will be docked from his salary. He had sacrificed his fortune, and was now risking his life, all without hesitation, from duty, in silence. He boards the steamer after them, and. Jean Passepartout est un Français qui a à peu près 30 ans, très musclé et d'une force herculéenne, en raison des exercices physiques qui étaient monnaie courante dans sa jeunesse. Passepartout, on waking and looking out, could not realize that he was actually crossing India on a railway train. Jean Passepartout Passepartout had been an itinerant singer, a circus-rider, a professor of gymnastics, a sergeant fireman in France before moving to England to take service as a gentleman's gentleman. To, ...assures the other men that something might happen by chance to help their situation, while. Jean Passepartout was employed as Phileas Fogg's valet just hours before his master daresay he can travel the world in only eighty days. Jean Passepartout is a central character in ' Around The World In Eighty Days '. In the original novel, the bank thief was an ordinary Englishman who stole 55,000 pounds from the Bank of England and whose description matched Fogg's, thus, allowing the police and Inspector Fix to suspect him of being the robber. He is shown as a man, who is on the lookout for some peace and quiet after having had a very exciting and adventurous life. Forums. Fogg summons. He is very worldly due to his adventurous past with his family. Generally, he is dedicated to being a good valet, remaining loyal and dutiful to Fogg. Train conductor. You ought to regulate your watch at noon in each country.”, “So much the worse for the sun, monsieur. Jean Passepartout (French: [ʒɑ̃ paspaʁtu]) is a fictional character in Jules Verne's novel Around the World in Eighty Days, published in 1873. Still, Aouda and, ...emotional, and he accepts Aouda’s proposal and tells her that he loves her. ...days later, on Monday, Fogg and Aouda are married. Around the World in Eighty Days (French: Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours) is an adventure novel by the French writer Jules Verne, first published in French in 1872.In the story, Phileas Fogg of London and his newly employed French valet Passepartout attempt to circumnavigate the world in 80 days on a £20,000 wager (£2,242,900 in 2019) set by his friends at the Reform Club. He has a very lively nature. While viewing Foggâ s gallantry //--> himself is and is also equally brave. He has a very lively nature. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. That’s easy. Jean Passepartout is a fictional character in Jules Verne's novel Around the World in Eighty Days, published in 1873. In the age when firemen needed to pull the burning houses apart by hand, and thus invariably were recruited from the men built like a brick outhouses. Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, Daphne du Maurier’s My Cousin Rachel, Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea, and Carlo Collodi’s Pinocchio. Fix believes that Fogg’s wager of traveling around the world in eighty days is a cover-up for his escape from London, and decides to follow him and his servant, Jean Passepartout, on their adventure. ...they hear gunshots in the distance and see the band of soldiers along with Fogg, Since the journey will be extremely cold and arduous, Fogg suggests that. Passepartout learns of Fix's suspicions, but keeps them to himself as he believes Fogg already has enough to worry about concerning his wager, and comes to suspect Fogg may possibly have committed the crime considering the extraordinary spending his master does through the trip's more desperate moments. Least Favorite Classic. This French person has many professions and wants to have a settled life without any excitement and respect for the employer. This interesting Frenchman is an integral part of the story, from the very first chapter. Jean Passepartout Passepartout is the French servant Fogg hires before they leave London. “I see that it is by no means useless to travel, if a man wants to see something new.”. BLUE GROWTH - CIRCUMNAVIGATION - CONTACTS - DONATE - FOUNDATION - FUNDING - HOME - A-Z INDEX. At the beginning of the novel, Passepartout has just been hired by Phileas Fogg after Fogg's previous valet failed to meet his exacting standards on 2 October 1872 at twenty eight minutes past eight. While searching for a minister to marry the couple, Passepartout discovers that the date is one day earlier than he thought, due to the party having traveled east across the International Date Line. “The chance which now seems lost may present itself at the last moment.”. As for Passepartout, he was ready for anything that might be proposed. Once Fogg learns of the error, he dashes to the Reform Club and arrives just in time to win the bet. The Big Guy: Passepartout, one of whose odd jobs was a fireman. 2 Vote Yes. the latterâ s many blunders. It is also a play on the English word passport, the French equivalent passeport, and the French word partout (everywhere). the funeral pyre and laid next to the rajah’s corpse to be burned. Discussion; Bug Reporting; Delete/Combine Pages 2 Vote Yes. AROUND the WORLD in EIGHTY DAYS Annotated Book Description : Phileas Fogg, a London gentleman of meticulous and unchanging habits, hires as his valet Jean Passepartout, a Frenchman who has had a variety of jobs, including circus performer, but now seeks a tranquil life. 0 Vote No . Description Keep track of Phileas Fogg and Jean Passepartout's epic journey with this itinerary. Struggling with distance learning? He is also a source of comic relief at times in his earnestness, enthusiasm and sentimentality. In the original novel, Passepartout was actually a French valet named Jean Passepartout working for Phileas Fogg. Here, as at Hong Kong and Calcutta, were mixed crowds of all races, Americans and English, Chinamen and Dutchmen, mostly merchants ready to buy or sell anything. ...he, Fogg, and Aouda ride in a carriage to the International Hotel in San Francisco. Jon Favreau. Jean Passepartout was employed as Phileas Fogg's valet just hours before his master daresay he can travel the world in only eighty days. jean passepartout physical description. You may want to check out more software, such as Around the World in 80 Days: The Challenge , Around the World in 80 Days or 80 Days , which might be related to Around the World in 80 Days: The Challenge - Extended Edition. ...train crosses the Rocky Mountains, it suddenly lets out a loud whistling sound and stops. ...but he hesitates, perhaps having changed his mind about “his man.” Instead, he follows Fogg, Fogg is imprisoned at the Custom House in Liverpool. Fan Casting Jean Passepartout. Fogg marries Aouda, with Passepartout giving away the bride, and divides the net proceeds from the journey between Passepartout and Fix—but not without deducting the cost of the gaslight use from Passepartout's share. Pedro Pascal. Sa souplesse et son agilité sont étonnantes. Back to Top Make Suggestion. It is one of Verne's most acclaimed works. A real machine; well, I don’t mind serving a machine.”, “I see how it is,” said Fix. ...of the English” into “an important city and an excellent port.” Walking around the city. Detective Fix A fastidious English gentleman makes a remarkable wager--he will travel around the world in eighty days or forfeit his life's savings. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class.”, Note: all page numbers and citation info for the quotes below refer to the Create Space Independent Publishing Platform edition of, Easy-to-use guides to literature, poetry, literary terms, and more, Super-helpful explanations and citation info for over 30,000 important quotes, Unrestricted access to all 50,000+ pages of our website and mobile app. ...advertises a lecture that he will be delivering shortly in one of the train cars. In the more loosely adapted 2004 film version. He is a French native who is depicted as having a bold gaze, round head, muscular, and has brown hair. Il a exercé des métiers aussi divers … Jean Passepartout- Jean is the newly hired servant of Philease Fogg. The character of Passepartout serves several purposes in the narrative—as a point-of-view character for Verne's French readers, and as comic relief, both in his reactions to the strange places and events he encounters, and in a tendency to get trapped, abducted, or, on at least one occasion, left behind. Having saved her life in India, “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. The next day at home, Aouda proposes to Fogg to help him in his hard life ahead. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. “Ah, we shall get on together, Mr. Fogg and I! After living an adventurous life as a vagrant, singer, circus performer, and firefighter, he is eager to settle down and lead a quiet life as Fogg’s domestic help. While Verne celebrates love. Jean Passepartout is a Parisian man of about thirty years old and has a pleasant, laid-back demeanor. Fogg, ...He approaches Fogg, Sir Francis, and the guide, and they realize that he is actually, ...for Fogg to arrive. 1 Vote No. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Fogg hits Fix, knocking him to the ground, and he, ...the loss “with his habitual tranquility” back at home in Saville Row. Tony Revolori. What a domestic and regular gentleman! This character is a Parsee Princess, educated in the European way, who is rescued in India. The narration explains that at 8:05 P.M.. ...circled all 360 degrees of the Earth, Fogg unknowingly gained twenty-four hours throughout his trip. ぼくらを月につれてって 新・月世界旅行 (1)目指すは月 |サイエンス チャンネル",, Around the World in Eighty Days characters, Articles needing additional references from August 2018, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Even though the story revolved around a so-call English gentleman, the French valet Jean Passepartout was the true hero. Description: Frauenakte: CLEREN, JEAN PAUL1940 Belle-Île Frauenakte Farblithographie, Sichtmaß 49,5 cm x 70 cm, Exemplarnummer '54/180', unten rechts signiert 'Jean Paul Cleren', in Passepartout montiert und hinter Glas gerahmt. 1 Vote Yes. PHILEAS FOGG . That’s easy. Due to his silence, however, Fogg and Fix never have a chance to discuss the case in neutral territory, and Fix arrests Fogg as soon as they return to England. Role added by jamesenglebert on January 1, 2021. Passepartout - Fogg’s valet, Passepartout is a foil to Fogg’s character. Aouda returned to a waiting-room, and there she waited alone, thinking of the simple and noble generosity, the tranquil courage of Phileas Fogg. Students record destinations, mode of travel, duration of travel, and place of departure on a chart and map out his progress on a world map. It is also a play on the English word passport, the French equivalent passeport, and the French word partout (everywhere). The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Still suspecting Detective Fix of being a spy from the Reform Club, begins, so Fogg agrees to be taken there instead. Passepartout, who has lived an irregular and well-travelled life, is looking forward to a restful employment, as Fogg is known for his regular habits which never take him further afield than the Reform Club. Although being very unfamiliar with his master, he is very devoted to him and tries his best not to cause blunders that will delay his master's pursuit. Afterward, Aouda is eternally grateful to Fogg and Passepartout and agrees to go with them on their epic world tour. The locomotive, guided by an English engineer and fed with English coal, threw out its smoke upon cotton, coffee, nutmeg, clove, and pepper plantation, while the steam curled in spiral around groups of palm-trees, in the midst of which were seen picturesque bungalows, viharis (sort of abandoned monasteries), and marvelous temples enriched by the exhaustless ornamentation of Indian architecture. In the journey, Passepartout plays a critical role in Fogg's adventures, such as rescuing a young woman named Aouda from a forced sati and becoming a friend of Fix, a police detective who suspects Fogg of robbing a bank. He's not afraid to mess up, and he's equally unafraid to say he's sorry. Summary Phileas Fogg, a London gentleman of meticulous and unchanging habits, hires as his valet Jean Passepartout, a Frenchman who has had a variety of jobs, including circus … Read More; Passepartout: Jean Passepartout is Phileas Fogg's valet and traveling companion. He tries, unsuccessfully, to find, ...England, where he can finally make the arrest. Even though the story revolved around a so-call English gentleman, the French valet Jean Passepartout was the true hero. 1 Vote No. Train guard. ...steamer that can take him to Liverpool or London in time to fulfill his wager. ... the wealthy and eccentric Phileas Fogg accepts a twenty thousand pound wager that he and his faithful servant Jean Passepartout can circumnavigate the world in exactly that amount of time. He is the French valet of the novel's English main character, Phileas Fogg. Jean Passepartout est un Français qui a à peu près 30 ans, très musclé et d'une force herculéenne, en raison des exercices physiques qui étaient monnaie courante dans sa jeunesse. C'est un vrai Parisien . Passepartout is bisexual and can have a main female and malelove interest (as well as many other minor flirtations), and may even expre… One of the Guys. Pronunciation of Jean Passepartout with 2 audio pronunciations, 1 meaning, 4 translations and more for Jean Passepartout. Around the World in Eighty Days - Kindle edition by Verne, Jules. Summary. Passepartout's character differs depending on how the player chooses to behave, affecting his 'character', 'manner' and relationship with Fogg. His master’s idea charmed him; he perceived a heart, a soul, under that icy exterior. The conductor of the train from Bombay to Rothal informs Fogg, Passepartout, and Sir Francis Cromarty the railway is not finished, and the train stops at that spot. His lips stick out a bit and his eyes are blue. The way the content is organized. ...everyone off the train because the railway has not been finished past the current point. To his shock, Fogg pays a £2,000 bond for himself and, ...if all else fails, his last resort will be to confess his true identity to, ...causes the ship to fall behind schedule. Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, Daphne du Maurier’s My Cousin Rachel, Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea, and Carlo Collodi’s Pinocchio. Description; Phileas Fogg: Phileas Fogg is a wealthy English gentleman who engages in a wager that he can circumnavigate the globe in 80 days. On the train ride from Oakland, California to Omaha, Fogg. Fix,” he stammered, “even should what you say be true—if my master is really the robber you are searching for—which I deny—I have been, am, in his service; I have seen his generosity and goodness; and I will never betray him—not for all the gold in the world. 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