The term Killy is derived from the Dutch word meaning ditch or channel, not because this fish is a killer in the aquarium. These fins are also placed on the back side in the case of male fish. If the danios are big enough not to be swallowed by the Aplocheilus … Peat moss is usually a good option for this process. The right pH for these fish is about 7 (6.0 – 7.5). This is … Your fish will start laying eggs and as soon as they are done, you can move your adult killifish to another tank. Live food is important to them because it helps fish maintain their bright colors and bring them into a breeding mood. If you have any questions feel free to contact me or leave a comment below. The Golden Wonder is not an aggressive fish. As mentioned earlier, these fish prefer slow-moving water, so you can adjust the filtration system accordingly. Had a little ick problem but it was taken care of quickly and they have turned into pickier eaters (they won't eat most of the food I give them now but they sure will grab my catfish's food ahd swim around with it before they realize its too big). tank-mates . Relevance. The general rule to follow when placing killifish in a community tank is to make sure that the other fish are of the same nature as well. Otherwise, they confine to their normal peaceful nature. Pearl Killifish; Gardneri Killifish; Golden Wonder Killifish; Society. Thankfully, this killifish is not among the list of the endogenous species. The number of some fish kinds in these families comprises about 1300 species. So I've had my three golden wonder killifish for a little bit now and they've been doing good from the start. Share. Killifish can also easily be placed in small tanks. Lonely. They are useful in aquariums for algae control. So, they can get along with most of their kind. Add Your Animal Stories ... Then I started noticing how aggressive they were with food and swimming and figured it must be them eating the others. Killifish are well-known for their beautiful appearance and are an amazing addition to any tank. Golden Wonder Killifish Species Spotlight Golden Wonders are a captive bred color morph of the striped panchax. Make sure to provide them food constantly, as they will start to feed on other minute creatures, including their fry. It is never a good idea to keep more than one male killifish, especially of the same species, in the same tank. Male killifish have larger dorsal fins and pointier anal fins.