Source Code (SC) 7 must be input with Reason Code (RC) 086, RC 087, RC 089, RC 090 or RC 091. The Transaction Code (TC) 899 is generated by input from Bureau of the Fiscal Service (BFS) and the participating agencies to report an action taken on an offset. See IRM TC 766 with OTN TOP Offset Reversal. We allocated the payment for you, giving each spouse one half of the SRP. A TC 898 may consist of two or more offsets to different agencies. See IRM, CIS Source Documentation and IRM, TOP Source and Reason Codes. blocking series 00 if the original return is attached to the allocation or blocking series 05 if the original return is not attached), see IRM, No Consideration Procedures. The amount may be for all or part of the TC 898 with the same OTN. Special exceptions exist for many of the community property states identified above, Refer to IRM 25.15.5, Relief from Joint and Several Liability, Relief from Community Property Laws. These shortcuts are applicable to California, Idaho and Louisiana Federal tax debt only, all conditions must be met before the shortcut can be used. Similarly, sections 6402(c), (d), (e), and (f) require the IRS to apply a taxpayers overpayment to outstanding child support debts, federal agency nontax debts, state income tax obligations, or unemployment compensation, respectively. Money received from a federal (IRS) tax refund offset is applied to the older debt first. Generally, the IRS indicator (I) is set when the taxpayer has any one of the following conditions present on his/her account: Individual Master File (IMF) primary or spousal tax debt, Non Master File (NMF) tax debt (V freeze, Transaction Code (TC) 130 on entity, Bankruptcy (V or W freeze, TC 520 on account with closing code 60-67, 81 or 83-89 on the account. See IRM, TOP Source and Reason Codes. You must always input the OTN when reversing a TOP offset with a RN 766. The status of a debt, at Bureau of the Fiscal Service may change daily. If TC 150 or TC 976 is in blocking series 92 in error (Injured Spouse is not annotated on the top of the Form 1040 and no Form 8379 is attached to the document): Input TC 571 to release the -R freeze or TC 290 .00 to release the -A freeze, do not send 916C letter, Change your control base from DMFC/DMFE to DUPF, If there is no -R or -A freeze, there is nothing to release. 807. Your Lead Tax Examiner or an employee of the Taxpayer Advocate Service must contact Bureau of the Fiscal Service at 8003043107, Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM CST, to determine if a TOP liability exists for the primary TIN and secondary TIN if it is a joint return. A TC 520, with closing code 60-67, 81, or 83- 89 on the account with a transaction date prior to 10/17/2005, generates a BPI 3 on refunds that are issued systemically. Allocate any other credits as the taxpayer has entered on Form 8379. A refund was not issued and the taxpayer may or may not be experiencing a financial hardship. If OTN does not match, input a TC 767 with the invalid OTN, and a TC 766 with the correct OTN. The amount of the injured spouse's share of the joint overpayment is limited to the amount of the joint overpayment on the account prior to any offsets or refunds. After 10 cycles it unpost as Unpostable Code (UPC) 137 or UPC 437, RC 1. Compare the injured spouses refund allocation with the TC 898 on TXMOD and reverse only the portion needed. So, in theory, if you e-file your tax return , on the starting day of January 27 th , 2022, you should receive your tax refund by February 16 th or a paper check between March 9th and March 23rd. The IRS tax refund schedule dates according to the IRS are 21 days for e-filed tax returns and 6 to 8 weeks for paper returns. TOP source and reason codes may not be used in combination with any other IMF source and reason codes. Levy proceeds that result in offsets are not considered misapplied payments. A Shared Responsibility Payment (SRP) is reported on Form 1040, line 61, Health care: individual responsibility (Form 1040EZ line 11, Form 1040A line 29, 2018 Form 1040, Schedule 4, Line 61) and will be assessed under MFT 35. An unposted (UPC) or deleted (DU) TC 898 or TC 899 with an OTN indicates a TOP offset or TOP offset reversal has occurred and must be considered for netting purposes when determining the correct reversal amount. When this condition has been identified, a Manual Reversal Request (MRR) is needed to resolve the account. The presence of this indicator does not guarantee a TOP offset will occur. If calls are received regarding an account with EIP. For overpayments becoming available prior to offer acceptance date (TC 780), in which the offset has not taken place, a taxpayer under certain hardship conditions may seek an Offset Bypass Refund. When this amount is then added to the portion of the joint overpayment belonging to the injured spouse, it results in a TC 766 amount of $4,220.99 ($4,200 + $20.99). See IRM, 45-Day Rule and All Original Tax Returns, for the dates of systemically generated refunds. When the taxpayer disagrees, or does not understand the injured spouse allocation by the IRS: If you work injured spouse allocations, verify the Form 8379, Allocation Worksheet. Accounting receives and processes the approved OBR request before the posting date of the freeze release. Normal Interest rules apply when considering credit interest if all or part of the credit is subsequently refunded. Issue a manual refund using BPI 1 and BS 9. Multiple TC 898 offsets from the same refund must be reversed separately. Inform the taxpayer that a note has been added to their account and to allow 30 days to process. Use Form 8379 Injured Spouse Allocation Worksheet, to compute the injured spouse share of the refund. Use the same column in the EITC table as used to determine the EITC on the original joint return. To determine the date of offset, use the RFND-PYMT-DT associated with the TC 846/840. Notate RRC 50/50 after the appropriate shortcut method used. Possible open paragraph can read, Due to a systemic issue, we previously wrote you requesting a copy of your previously submitted Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation. The Recovery Rebate Credit is authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, signed into law on March 27, 2020, and the COVID-related Tax Relief Act, signed into law on December 27, 2020. The IRS issued three EIP payments: EIP 1 and EIP 2 (advance payments of the RRC for TY 2020), and EIP 3 (advance payment of the RRC for TY 2021). If credit interest was allowed on the offset, the credit interest must also be reversed with TC 772. Most common reasons for an unresolved condition are listed below: TC 766 was input with a HC that is holding credit on the module (K Freeze). Some taxpayers will attach Form 8379 to their joint Form 1040 or Form 1040X, see IRM, Form 8379 Attached to Joint Form 1040/Form 1040X. The case is referred to the appropriate Accounts Management (AM) Function if Unpostables is unable to correct the transaction. To reverse mixed-period offsets, with TOP offset from incorrect-year return posting first, take the following actions: Request CC IMFOL, CC RTVUE, and CC MFTRA and returns on all years involved. If the TC 841 creates a credit balance and it is determined that the TOP offset reversal was honored by Bureau of the Fiscal Service, inform the taxpayer that he/she must return the refund to the agency. Refer to IRM, Netting TOP Offsets and Reversals. Refer to IRM 21.4.5, Erroneous Refunds. Send Letter 3179C, Refund Offset to Treasury Offset Program (TOP) and Injured Spouse Inquiries or Letter 285C, Refund/Overpayment Applied to Account, to the taxpayer informing them that we allocated it for them. When the overpayment has not offset and there is an IRS obligation, follow the IF/AND/THEN Chart below: The following is a list of conditions when the remaining overpayment will not offset if the secondary taxpayer owes a Federal tax debt. The purpose of the Agency/Sub Agency code is for internal use only. If there is an open base with MRR/NHQ do not submit request for a manual reversal. See IRM, Disclosure, for guidelines for general disclosure and leaving information on answering machines or voice mail. Explore videos Most viewed How do I file my taxes with TurboTax Online? Beginning with offers accepted on or after November 1, 2021, the IRS generally will not offset refunds to tax periods included on the offer after the offer acceptance date. When inputting a TC 766, you can only input an adjustment to withholding or EITC. 17) Taxpayer says Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation was filed with or without original return. If the jointly filed claim on Form 1040 or Form 1040-X was timely per IRC 6511(a), and IRS determines an overpayment exists, and an amount is available for credit or refund per IRC 6511(b), then the amount of the joint overpayment properly allocated to the debtor spouse will be offset against the debtor spouses debts. 8752 allows for allocation of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) shown on the joint return. For other types of Congressional inquiries, refer to IRM, Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) Guidelines. A TC 971 AC 037 is not required when the refund is being issued to a surviving spouse, an executor, or an appointed administrator of a decedent account. Reverse TOP offsets for the full amount available, prior to taking any further action on the account. It reversed the prior posted TC 898 with the same OTN and no DEBTOR-TIN. Indicate taxpayer's phone number and whether taxpayer can provide a copy of Form 8379. Send Form 4442 /e4442, Inquiry Referral, to the CSR working the case. However, if injured spouse indicates on Form 8379, line 5b, that his or her marriage was NOT recognized under the laws of the community property states(s) listed on line 5a, allocate items based on the instructions provided in IRM, Same-Sex Spouses. Advise the taxpayer to allow 30 days to process. It is not all-inclusive. Do not use the Agency or Sub Agency codes found on CC TXMOD or CC IMFOL for processing an injured spouse allocation, nor for advising the taxpayer of the existence/non-existence of a TOP debt at Bureau of the Fiscal Service. A manual refund must be issued for the injured spouse's portion of the overpayment in the following instances: A manual refund is required on all injured spouse forms filed against Tax Offsets Debt indicator I or B whether it is issued in one or both names. The sum is the amount of the TOP offset reversal to be input as a TC 766. BPI 5 is required if a manual refund will be issued to an injured spouse who is secondary, from a module with a combat zone C Freeze. Input the TC 766 as a separate adjustment in the required input order. Transfer any misapplied payments to the correct period. A TC 700 posts to the account for the TOP Offset reversal amount. It must be input on all manual refunds resulting from an Injured Spouse Allocation form filed by the secondary taxpayer unless combat zone, BPI (5), applies. If the ESP was reversed in cycle 200852, the taxpayer had to claim the ESP on their 2008 return. BPI (1), (2), (5), (6), (8) and (9) are not valid unless block 9 (Injured Spouse) is used. Do not exceed the amount of the hardship request. See IRM, Availability Dates for Overpayments. Allocate any child tax credit, child and dependent care credit and additional child tax credit to the spouse who was allocated the qualifying childs exemption. Refer to IRM, Math Error with Injured Spouse. An Injured Spouse allocated and received the entire First-Time Home Buyer Credit in a previous year is liable for repayment of the recapture tax. Refer to IRM, Issuing Hardship Refunds. If a TOP debt exists, the IRS has no authority to issue an OBR. Advise the taxpayer to allow 17 weeks processing time, unless there is an open control base; if there is an open control base advise them to allow 8 weeks from the control date. They may request that you reverse TOP offset and issue a refund with BPI 3. No other payments or credits are made to the 2011 MFJ account. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Tax Act of 2009 and the Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009 extended the first-time homebuyer credit and provided a waiver of the requirement to repay the credit, except when taxpayers dispose of the new residence within 36 months of purchase. If interest is due on the original overpayment, you will figure the interest on the original overpayment. Refer Taxpayer to TOP Call Center above for offset information. For taxpayers inquiring about Other Issues: An injured spouse may contact IRS before or after an offset occurs. A TOP offset reduces the amount of the IRS refund by the amount of the TC 898 or TC 971 AC 598. For federal tax purposes, the terms spouse, husband, and wife mean an individual lawfully married to another individual. See IRM, TOP Offset Reversals. If the interest payment was offset with TC 898, then the FROM date is the DB-CR-INT-TO-DT of the accrued interest (TC 776) that accompanied the interest payment.Example: Once again using the example from 2) above, the accrued interest of $0.66 carries a DB-CR-INT-TO-DT of August 13, 2020 (displayed on TXMOD with the TC 776 posting for the accrued interest). Resolve Combat Zone cases, see IRM, Combat Zone Cases. Correct as needed. A TC 896 with an Agency/Sub-Agency (AG/SA) Code reflects a computer-generated offset to the DMF made from 1984 through January 11,1999. If you are making the request for review after the tax refund offset has already happened, you will appeal to the Department of Education. If an active combat zone case involves a Federal tax debt. They have requested a hardship refund of $600 to avoid eviction. Identify the missing information on the original return, if available, and write the taxpayer requesting it or if the issue can be resolved by having the taxpayer fax in missing information, you may attempt to contact the taxpayer/authorized representative by telephone and request the missing information be faxed to you, explain that the injured spouse Form 8379 cannot be processed until the information is received. Failure to input the PC 8 will result in an UPC 159. Advise the taxpayer that IRS cannot bypass a completed TOP offset for hardship. UPC 342, RC 06, occurs when a TC 766 with OTN is greater than the net TOP offset amount. A taxpayer has excess advance payment of PTC (excess APTC) if the amount of the APTC paid on the taxpayers behalf exceeds the taxpayers allowable PTC. IRS determined that Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) must be allocated without regard for community property laws. As a result, there can be one or two TC 898(s) for each refund issued. When the wrong spouse is identified on Form 8379 and you are issuing a manual refund, you must notate in the remarks section INJ SP Incorrect on F8379, of Form 5792, Request for IDRS Generated Refund (IGR) or Form 3753, Manual Refund Posting Voucher If this notation is not included in the remarks section the manual refund will be rejected. Use Letter 3179C, Refund Offset to Treasury Offset Program (TOP) and Injured Spouse Inquiries, when responding to an inquiry in writing. If CC INOLET does not display a debt indicator, then the IAT Results IS screen displays the "N" . For Child Support offsets Agency Code 1 and 2, reverse the offset, however, you must use Hold Code 4 to ensure that the credit does not refund. Multiplying the total interest payment of $47.49 by the percentage determined above equals $20.99 ($47.49 X .44210). The taxpayer has an overpayment on their return showing $1,000. However, if you owe a federal tax debt from a prior tax year, or a debt to another federal agency, or certain debts under state law, the IRS may keep (offset) some or all your tax refund to pay your debt. Not every refund based on hardship qualifies as an emergency refund. If the "wrong" taxpayer was offset, the offset must be reversed after determining that there has not been an agency refund (TC 899 or TC 971 AC 599). 11-2016), issue the Injured Spouse's portion of the refund in "one name only" unless line 11 on the form is checked to "Issue in both names" . You must take all transactions; posted or unposted, into consideration. If the TC 899 is unpostable, research the condition that caused the unpostable and make the necessary corrections to correct the taxpayer's account. Pre-paid credits are considered paid as of the due date of the return determined without regard to extensions. If both spouses have income (see Note below), If one spouse has income (see Note below), The earned income is $12,903.00 or more (phased out with a MAGI of $150,000). 11-2016), input a TC 290 for .00 with RN 810, RC 086, SC 7 and the dollar amount of the allocated refund. When TC 898/TC 899 posts, work your Injured Spouse case. If taxpayer inquires of an existence/non-existence of a TOP debt at Bureau of the Fiscal Service, do not use the Agency or Sub Agency codes found on CC TXMOD or CC IMFOL. The BPI 3 should be used on Form 5792 and Form 3753, when the taxpayer has both tax and TOP debts to be paid before a refund is issued. 11) Taxpayer says Form 8379 was filed after offset and no refund was received. The manual refund must also have a BPI applicable to the injured spouse to show ownership of the refund for TOP offset eligibility. 8) Taxpayer says Form 8379 was filed with his/her original return and no refund was received. Emergency hardship refunds require coordination with Bureau of the Fiscal Service to ensure that a TOP debt is not bypassed. All Forms 1040 series indicating "Injured Spouse" in the upper left corner are blocked in BS 920929. TC 896 without an AG/SA code is not a DMF offset. If the above timeframes have passed, the case has not been worked and there is an open control base assigned to a clerical site specialized control number or there is an open control base not assigned to specific CSR, and you are not trained to work Injured Spouse cases and do have access to CIS, leave a Case Note. Clearance of overpayment for amounts less than $5.00. Forward the case to the appropriate AM campus that worked the Form 8379. If no other action is required and you are closing the case with a Letter 3179C or 285C, input a TC 290 .00, SC 7, RC 086. Combat Zone (-C Freeze) account have a BPI 4 set when a computer-generated refund is issued. See IRM, Child Support TOP Offsets. To refer the taxpayers to TAS, use Form 911, or Form e-911, Request for Taxpayer Advocate Service Assistance (And Application for Taxpayer Assistance Order), if AMS is not available. BPI 7 generates on all refunds when no other condition or manual input results in the use of another BPI and the creditor agency has obtained relief from the automatic bankruptcy stay. Allocate the education credit to the spouse who would have shown the item on his or her separate return. For TOP offsets, BFS issues the Notification of Offset. The injured spouse must file Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation, to request his/her portion of the joint refund. There is an IRS obligation on the secondary taxpayer's account, The injured spouse is the primary taxpayer. Subtract any previous offset or refund, such as TC 820/TC 826, TC 840/TC 846, BMF or IRAF TC 896, attributable individually or jointly to the injured spouse, from the injured spouse's share of the joint overpayment. When the original Form 1040, U.S. It must be input on all manual refunds resulting from an injured spouse allocation form filed by the primary taxpayer, unless combat zone, BPI (6), applies. Program goals: Program goals for this type of work are included in the AM Program Letter as well as IRM 1.4.16, Resource Guide for Accounts Management Managers. Calculate the credit based on Community Property Laws for that state. Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation, may post to the Master File as an amended return without an original, creating an E Freeze, when the injured spouse files Form 8379 using his/her own TIN, instead of the primary TIN shown on the original joint return. IRS refunds (including federal Economic Impact Payment checks) Transfers of state income tax refund to or from a partner state As of August 1, 2021, all three of these offset programs have resumed. Advise taxpayer to allow up to 8 weeks processing time from the time we receive the Form 8379. 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