New product and company branding. Attempting to pick a directory in the File Copy step would occasionally trigger an error. Added ability to start a PDQ Inventory scan after deployment. The best thing is automatic deployment when a computer goes offline and becomes online in PDQ Inventory. Many of the breaches that occur capitalize on known security vulnerabilities that are in the wild and already patched. This will narrow down the packages being displayed. Reduced the amount of data read from files in the $(Repository) to minimize traffic over WANs. Improved handling additional files in Command Step when Copy Mode is set to Pull. Launching PowerShell from Help > Open Elevated PowerShell Prompt would occasionally not work as intended. When restoring a database using the command line, PDQ Deploy will prevent restoring a corrupted database. REM Download and Fully Install Windows Updates REM by Ian Matthews Add Package Library page to Preferences window. Added Auto Deployment feature. Install and Command step additional files can now contain environment variables. Improved performance of auto sorting a large folder. Occasionally, running deployments were aborted with queued ones when 'Stop deploying to remaining queue targets' was selected. Fixed potential issue with placeholders in the Post Schedule Notification not displaying the correct data once emailed. Fixed an issue in the console which could cause it to crash after starting a deployment from PDQ Inventory. Packages now show deployments where the package was nested within another. Using a variable in your Repository no longer causes issues with the Repository Cleanup. Meaning, you won't have to go out and manually download the newest Windows 10 update package every month. Package Nesting using the new Nested Package Step. Various other bugs, including locking issues in regard to Central Server. It already has these built for you. With Central Server, the order and appearance of both the tree and data grids on the page are now per user. Added incremental searching by typing within a grid. When anupdated license keyis available, the email of the account technical contact is displayed with the option to send another email. Importing Targets Lists with multiple entries now import correctly. Deploying to a schedule that is linked to a PDQ Inventory collection would sometimes deploy to additional targets. Those should give you some ideas of what you can do. While running a deployment, the copy status on the main deployment panel now provides the percent copied as well as the copy speed. (Sidebars may be collapsed if desired.). I have a schedule in PDQ that runs a PSWindowsUpdate command to Install patches but Not reboot when done. We PowerShell. Likelihood to Recommend. Fixed memory leak encountered when console was manually refreshed. Open an Elevated Command Prompt and an Elevated PowerShell Prompt from the Help menu. Repository cleanup potentially caused a timeout. Enable $(Repository) variable in Additional Files. When restoring a database using the command line, PDQ Deploy will prevent restoring a corrupted database. Introduced Package Library which contains prebuilt PDQ Packages for common applications. Mine is with PDQ, but extra the ISO for version to a folder on PDQ server. We know the pains and struggles of managing Windows updates in an environment where you are grossly outnumbered by the computers you support. Also, using WSUS server feels antiquated and can be very finicky. Changing the appearance of package icons works as expected. Renamed Preferences > Startup to Preferences > Interface. A full patched PC will return a null value, and the scanner will record it as a blank entry), PCs with any Office updates: Any > Powershell Scanner > Title > Contains > Office. It took me a long time to finally get a good working solution to this, so I wanted to try to aggregate a lot of information into one post. Fixes to a couple of icons which weren't displaying correctly. Using LAPS credentials in PDQ Inventory and selecting 'Use PDQ Inventory Scan User credentials first, when available' in PDQ Deploy no longer prevents the use of the LAPS credentials. Removed the Deployment Status of '4' and fixed the copy speed displayed in the deployment status. Advanced subscription level of the Package Library now includes past versions of packages. So that means that we'll have Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and soon, Windows 11 all being supported simultaneously. Fixes to a couple of icons which weren't displaying correctly. Fixed an issue where deployments could have unexpected results when a package was edited with active deployments. Issues with shared packages being edited by the other console computer. It will be automatically downloaded for you.). Fixed an issue where cleaned up deployments weren't always removed from the console. Fixed an issue reading group names from Spiceworks 7. Ability to view multiple selected deployments in the All Deployments page. Open an Elevated Command Prompt and an Elevated PowerShell Prompt from the. Fixed an issue connecting to certain AD domains. New System variables for Server host name. Fixed an issue with start and run time showing for computers in deployments. Fixed an issue deleting folders with nested items. Once you've imported your computers into PDQ Inventory, you can sit back and relax while PDQ Inventory takes care of everything else. local_offer Action1 star 4.8 flag Report 0 of 1 found this helpful thumb_up thumb_down Jeff124 New contributor pimiento Sep 5th, 2019 at 9:31 AM The installer for Windows10Upgrade9252.exe drops the files into c:\$GetCurrent Fixed a crash when redeploying to selected computers in the deployment status window. Some can have as little as 4 updates whole others can have as many as 22 (not including the feature updates, installed software includes Chrome, MS Office 2016 & Acrobat reader only, no AV). Scan, collect, and organize your machines so deployments go exactly where you need them. PowerShell steps can now run without issue when the PowerShell execution policy is set to AllSigned on a target. Fixed an issue when exporting Target Lists inside of a folder. Run packages as option moved from Credentials to Deployments. Fixed a bug which could cause the background service to stop after a target reboot. This might can be changed. Yes, you read that right. Fixed an issue where deployments could get stuck in the Queuing state. You are no longer able to attach the same package multiple times to a single schedule. Improved the speed of aborting deployments. Fixed an issue where nesting packages would incorrectly cause a circular reference error. Microsoft is actively working on improving the reports and overall experience with it (WUfB deployment service). Added Spiceworks computer caching for performance. Tried the steps you have listed above to move from W11 22H1 to 22H2, which failed each time tested. PDQ keeps track of the when new updates are made available writes the scripts and all l you . Once you have finished adding all of your target computers, click Deploy Now. Potential error message stating that Auto Deployment was missing installation files. Long running deployments would sometimes result in an incomplete schedule notification. Setting the 'Once' Schedule Trigger in the past now displays visual warnings in the schedule itself and on the All Schedules page. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Fixed an issue with the menu formatting when switching between active windows. The default credentials are now known as default Deploy User. Improved updating the console with deployment status. Fixed performance issue where database file size would grow very large and slow down the console. Added "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass" to default command line when running a Powershell script in an Install Step. These tools will even help you . Improved error messages when initial service user account can't be set. Auto Download packages would occasionally display the opposite icon for both edited and unedited package. begin another week with a collection of trivia to brighten up your Monday. And you can also customize whole process with powershell module through scripts - it's where you don't need WSUS or PDQ. I've set up a command-line script to copy the contents of the ISO file from the 21H1 update to the C: drive and then run the setup.exe with the following parameters/auto upgrade /migratedrivers all /ShowOOBE none /Compat IgnoreWarning /Telemetry Disable. 'Server is not running' error occurring in connection to certain versions of .NET. It will write a value for null returns, which is what you need. Fixed an issue saving the Weeks in Month value for monthly schedules. Scan After Deployment will now scan each target after it is successful in a deployment instead of waiting for all targets to finish. Occasionally the temp directory was not cleared until after a restart of the service. It really is that simple! Fixed an issue with the display of deployment step numbers when nested more than one deep. Target computers are randomized in deployments. Targets can once again be copied from a Deployment and pasted into the Deploy Once window. Removed a bottle neck which slowed down using pull copy with many files. Improved ability to switch domains in the Select AD target window. Moved License control from File menu to Preferences window. You don't have PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory? This allows you to really take charge of your environment and Windows servers/workstations to keep them updated and also push out emergency patches like the curveball patch seen recently. Improved filtering of certain grid columns (e.g. Changed Message step to allow ANSI characters (thank you, Gnther). Born in the '80s and raised by his NES, Brock quickly fell in love with everything tech. Importing Targets Lists with multiple entries now import correctly. You can install updates with just PDQ Deploy, configured with dynamic collections in PDQ Inventory, without WSUS or powershell module. Click on Scan Profile.xml. Changed Advanced subscription to Enterprise. The "expires" date is now shown in the Trigger column of the Schedule window. Fixed an issue where the upgrade could reset the background service credentials to Local System. Start-Process -FilePath $exe -ArgumentList /quiet /skipeula /auto upgrade /dynamicupdate enable /copylogs $d. and Monthly Rollup Updates Exporting Preferences would not export changes to the default Auto Download settings. Schedules no longer deploy to computers where the same package is still being deployed. I was planning to setup LAG between the three switches using the SFP ports to b Spring is here, the blossom is out and the sun is (sort-of)
Fixed a bug which could cause the background service to stop after a target reboot. Use scan user credentials for deployments when importing targets from PDQ Inventory. Added Architecture (64/32-bits) column to Package Library Packages. With PDQ Deploy, you have access to our package library, which is jam-packed with hundreds of pre-built application packages, including Windows updates. is great for a small-to-medium sized enterprise that has a fairly small IT department but needs far more control of tickets than just email and spreadsheets. Ability to customize the icon and display style of packages and folders. Fixed using local credentials with computers specified by IP address. Scrolling through multiple targets in deployments results now works as expected. Allow multiple steps to be enabled/disabled in the Package window. Awesome, right? Fixed the ability to deploy to an IP address as the target. In a schedule, targets in all lowercase letters were disregarding the option 'Stop deploying to targets once they succeed'. If do you use this simple PDQ Deploy script you will need to download the SHUTDOWNWITHUPDATES exe and set the path to it in this PDQ Deploy script. While downloading from the Package Library, the Package folder is missing the waiting icon. In Preferences, removed Mail Notifications and consolidated it to theMail Serverpage. Fixed an issue in the console which could cause it to crash after starting a deployment from PDQ Inventory. The download progress icon on the package folder would continue to swirl if a package was opened during its download. So what about Windows 8.1? Fixed an issue where a large deployment with computers not registered in DNS could take a long time to start. Once you've saved your Windows 10/11 update deployment package on PDQ Deploy, you can deploy the latest Windows update to any PCs or laptops that require it. The Downloaded column in the Package Library now populates immediately following an auto download. PDQ Inventory and Deploy are two very powerful utilities developed by Moved License control from File menu to Preferences window. Fixed a bug in the Package Library update window when selecting multiple items. Selecting and downloading the needed Windows Update package IT Support & Operations Analyst at Advantis Credit, In thePackage Library Detailsreport, package steps are now visible for Auto Deployments. Fixes issues with opening the console after an upgrade. See why our customers can't live without our products. Admin Arsenal is now officially, Ability to utilize one database with other consoles using the. Adding Pre and Post Steps to an Auto Download package now retains the edit icon after a restart. Sharing has been superseded by Central Server and has been disabled. In fact, I can target just the containers designated as (Old) with my scheduled deployments in PDQ Deploy, that way, I'm only targeting the computers that I know need to be updated. Fixed computer target importing to not not allow computer names with invalid characters. Thankfully, PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory make managing and deploying Windows updates a breeze., 4 Total Steps Improved performance of auto sorting a large folder. Refreshing the console using F5 also checks for new versions of PDQ Deploy. Added a Logoff step. This will make sure that you get instant Dynamic Group updates after you push out an update job. They went on to create tools to suit smaller and medium-sized businesses, and then expanded again to the enterprise level. Added link to edit nested package from within nesting package. Added PDQDeploy BackgroundService and PDQDeploy ConsoleUsers for use in the Command Prompt. I've also added a reboot as a second step, or else it'll appear to hang. $exe = $($d)\Win10Upgrade.exe I scan once in the morning and once in the afternoon to try and get as many online PCs as possible. Works perfect. PDQ-D can deploy immediately or on a schedule, so we have some tasks that are scheduled automatically (Chrome on certain machines every other week), and others we schedule as needed (push out a new software update to a specific Dept at 11PM when no one is on their machines). A warning was added to the Updates tab if a download was attempted if the same package was also pending approval. Step2: Job that silently installs C++ 2015-2019 runtime, Ok, now we have the ability to use PSWindowsUpdate to scan for available updates. Variables used as the Install File path on an Install Step no longer throw an exception. Shared Databases can no longer be created without a name. Improved schedules to allow reordering of attached packages. Added options to configure the Windows Service Manager TCP Connection. Bundled old Basic subscription into Pro mode. Added ability to deploy a single attached package when right clicking a schedule. RIGHT?!?! (This is where the default Auto Approve policy can be set.). Fixed an issue with changing the order of items in the main window. Fixed an issue with command steps not using success codes. Use Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) through PDQ Inventory's credentials. Auto Download packages set to manual approval were not listed in the Update tab of the Package Library until after a console refresh. Okay, now that we know all about the different versions of Windows updates and their little nuances, let check out just how easy it is to deploy them with PDQ Deploy. Subscriptions for Pro Mode authenticate with license key and no longer need email address and password. Hey Peter, if that is your real name - how come all you do is necropost your spam everywhere? Sorting issue when choosing target computers from Inventory now a thing of the past. Fixed an issue where deployments could have unexpected results when a package was edited with active deployments. Added a column to identify the folder the package resides in. Print Preview can now be printed across multiple pages using the Auto Fit profile. Make a 3 step PDQ Deploy job. Fixed an issue when re-downloading a package from the library with read-only files. Converting an Auto Download package containing Pre and Post Steps to a Standard package now retains the order of the steps. 2021 Corporation. Improved the Wake-on-LAN offline settings to more reliably determine when the target has come online. Added option to run processes as the logged on user. Hackers Hello EveryoneThank you for taking the time to read my post. Fixed an issue exporting some data to XLSX format. The Package Library now includes a column for the download size. . The file picker button on the Command Step occasionally opened to the wrong package. Added the ability to use Deploy Once and Redeploy for Auto Deployments. I've also completely disabled UAC just in case, and made sure to bypass the execution policy, etc. Allow selecting shared collections from PDQ Inventory 3.1 beta 2 and later. I have one computer in the Windows 10 2004 64-bit container, another in the Windows 10 20H2 32-bit container, and the last one is in the Windows 10 21H1 64-bit container. Files can be imported by dragging or copying from Windows Explorer to the application. Added support for SSL connections to Spiceworks. Fixed an issue with Post Schedule Notification's subject line using the wrong variables when 'Reset All' is selected. PDQ Deploy is a software deployment tool built to help you automate your patch management. Automatic backup of the databases added to. Manually starting a scheduled deployment would occasionally display a blank error message. (Pro mode - Requires PDQ Inventory). 4th: Now we need some PDQ jobs. Go from updating your 3rd party software, to deploying scripts, to making useful system changes in almost no time. PowerShell (.ps1) Visual Basic (.vbs) Changed the deployment step output to be empty when the deployment succeeds. Selecting the Weekend or Weekend Days Schedule triggers in conjunction with a specific day of the week now works as intended. Use default text editor when opening step output. Fixed approval time conflicts with Auto Download packages and Auto Download preferences. You are no longer able to attach the same package multiple times to a single schedule. In his free time, Brock enjoys adventuring with his wife, kids, and dogs, while dreaming of retirement. Filter added to the Select AD Target window. Increased ping timeout used by offline settings to 2 seconds. Above is for 21H2, but next release, change location and bing, you can rollout an upgrade Friday as you head out of the door, and by Monday, it is all done. Improved performance of offline testing for the Deployment Offline Settings. (Sidebars may be collapsed if desired.). Error 403: Requests from referer are blocked.. Domain code: globalReason code: forbidden. Fixes issues with opening the console after an upgrade. Scrolling through multiple targets in deployments results now works as expected. Fixed issue preventing deployment to computers with underscores or other special characters in their names. Fixed issue when attaching to Spiceworks servers that are running 7.2.00508 or higher. More performance improvements, particularly while editing packages. Fixed issue running as local system in free mode. Then some needed 2 reboots while some needed as many as 4 reboots. Warnings about Caps Lock when entering a password. Make a 3 step PDQ Deploy job. Danish characters were not displaying correctly when selecting PDQ Inventory collections as targets. Fixed an issue when copy/paste would fail with remote control software running. The Disable Splash Screen checkbox in Preferences wasn't staying checked, even though the Splash Screen was disabled. URLs in Package Details and Package Descriptions are now hyperlinks. Issue with the background service occasionally counting as a concurrent session. Click the Open button. 10 Ways You Can Fix It, Nested ESXi Lab Build Networking and Hardware, Discover Windows servers in need of updates, Apply the patches to a collection of servers identified by PDQ Inventory using PDQ Deploy. Added access to our new Subscription service. YouTube Video VVVyeGNXdHBkMUlHSEc5UmJEXzkzODBBLlU3enJsREY3WEhV. If you're not familiar with what I'm talking about, here's a list of all the different versions of Windows 10. Objective: We don't use a WSUS server. Additional performance improvements, particularly while browsing Active Directory containing a large number of objects. The default credentials are now known as default Deploy User. PDQ Deploy already knows how to handle the MSU files, so calling wusa.exe and adding the /quiet /norestart parameters automatically is part of the magic. Are you ready to streamline your patch management and software deployment processes? Improved performance of file details verification. Then scroll down under the library to the section containing the OS you want to download updates for and find the update that correlates to your operating system. Default to last deployment user when creating a new deployment. Mind blown. Issues with shared packages being edited by the other console computer. Youve come to the right place. Setting the 'Once' Schedule Trigger in the past now displays visual warnings in the schedule itself and on the All Schedules page. I've come to realize that I have a serious love-hate relationship with Windows updates. Here, we will choose the PDQ Inventory collection that we identified above using the (old) designation for Windows updates. Fixed an issue with changing the order of items in the main window. Add "- Copy" to Package names when importing or pasting duplicate names. Read the PSWindowsUpdate documentation about the switches. To download from Package Library to your local Packages folder you now use the Import feature. Variables can now be used in the email subject of the Post Deployment Notification and Post Schedule Notification. Target History data now stored per package in a schedule (since a schedule can now link to multiple packages). Variables in file names are not expanding when using something other than an .exe. You can view the changelog here. Various bug fixes and performance improvements. Added feature to share packages with other PDQ Deploy users (Enterprise). Optimized IT operations to facilitate modern learning, Streamlined device management you can take to the bank, Seamless deployments to keep supply chains smooth, Highly-targeted deployments to aid mission-focused work, Serve your constituents better with optimized endpoint management. Groups in Active Directory were occasionally sorted incorrectly. I'm not going to step through that part because there's plenty of documentation on it. You can opt-out in. The 'O/S Version' condition now allows you to unselect 'All Versions' without causing a freeze. This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting. Fixed an issue where nested packages may not export correctly if the target package was renamed. If you need a security update from a previous month, it will need to be downloaded and deployed separately. Added feature to share packages with other PDQ Deploy users (Enterprise). Fixed issue preventing deployment to computers with underscores or other special characters in their names. Fixed issue when attaching to Spiceworks servers that are running 7.2.00508 or higher. You can install updates through WSUS configured with GPO - without powershell module and PDQ. We do, so we need to change a little bit of that script. Removed the import package .xml file size limit. Versions over 18.1. Ability to customize the icon and display style of packages and folders. The tab header in a schedule now shows an error icon when an error exists within that tab. Variables for UNC paths are no longer being removed when replacing install files. Fixed sorting of schedules by the Schedule column. You can easily test this by doing a run command from PDQ Deploy on a machine with the following multi-line command. Allow selecting shared collections from PDQ Inventory 3.1 beta 2 and later. (Pro mode - Requires PDQ Inventory). Remote Repair can be opened without having to select a target computer first. Preferences change log added in C:\ProgramData\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Audit. Open PDQ Inventory (version or later). When using schedules via the CLI, computer names are no longer case sensitive. Alternately, if you have PDQ Deploy, you can download our PDQ DEPLOY script directly from us HERE. Also, don't forget to check the Include Entire Directory box. Execute scripts Copy over needed files Send messages to users Force reboots Free 14-day trial Execute remotely Unlock the potential of automation by scripting commands and scripts with your preferred language. All rights reserved. Free up deployment threads by moving targets waiting on Wake-On-LAN (WOL) to a separate queue. Most Microsoft patches are now MSU files, which can be deployed using an Install Step. Fixed sorting of schedules by the Schedule column. Advanced subscription level of the Package Library now includes past versions of packages. Changed default Event IDs to 1000 in the Event Log. Select the Windows update packages that match the operating systems in your environment, then click Download Selected (As Auto Download). Fixed issue when attempting to duplicate multiple packages. A lot of PCs will just be able to do an EZ "Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate -Force", but I ran into some issues with nuget being old and missing C++. We now display number of Selected Computers in the Deploy Once window. Step1: Powershell [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force Step2: Job that silently installs C++ 2015-2019 runtime Step3: Powershell Fixed an issue preventing deployments from using the setting on the package for Run as Local System. I hate that they take forever and occasionally introduce new vulnerabilities and bugs. Allow Target Service share and directory to be configured. Fixed issue with SQLite crashing on certain Windows 2003 servers. Added new Error Mode which allows a deployment to stop on an error but still show as successful. PDQ Inventory will automatically begin scanning computers as they are added to Inventory. Schedules can now be attached to multiple packages. . Fixed a possible crash when opening a Package. Keeping Windows Cumulative Updates Up-To-Date PDQ 13.1K subscribers Subscribe 3.9K views 3 years ago Lex helps you keep all those cumulative updates patched and current using PDQ Deploy. Fixed an issue where the print page orientation could change when printing. $ComObj.DownloadFile($exedl,$exe) Removed the default Install Step of a new Package. Fixed issue where a deployment could be deleted if still linked to a computer in the. This helps when deploying to targets that frequently change IP addresses (such as roving laptops). Variables for UNC paths are no longer being removed when replacing install files. Fixed an issue where nested packages may not export correctly if the target package was renamed. Fixed a bug preventing the use of name@domain credentials in some places. The Schedule Details panel now accurately displays the 'Stop after X failure(s)' option. Auto Download Approvals work without having to refresh the console when the package is moved into a different folder. Fixed issue with SQLite crashing on certain Windows 2003 servers. Fixed issue testing domain credentials after testing local credentials to unknown computer. , Gnther ) that are running 7.2.00508 or higher result in an step! Run command from PDQ Inventory 3.1 beta 2 and later you push out an job! Made available writes the scripts and all l you. ) not not allow names... A machine with the background service to stop on an Install step the wild and already patched copy status the... Style of packages and folders deployments page which contains prebuilt PDQ packages for common applications resides.. 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