A proper display of what Armament Haki could do against the Logia types was given to the fans during the Sabaody Archipelago arc. Suddenly, it was announced over the intercom that Law had gotten into the SAD Production Room, and Vergo was shocked upon realizing what Law was planning to do. In the 5th fan poll, Vergo ranked 59th, making him the most popular of the Elite Officers. While the first Corazon, Vergo, pretended to be a Marine but was really a pirate, the second Corazon, Rosinante, pretended to be a pirate but was really a Marine. Rosinante was a tall man (standing just below his brother at 293 cm) as a 10-year old Trafalgar Law was not able to reach his waist; in adulthood, he was a comparable height to his older brother Doflamingo (who stands 305 cm). He let Luffy go after he found out that Zoro was ordered by Luffy to save him from drowning. As Vergo was a messy eater, he tended to have pieces of food stuck to his face from time to time, such as French fries when residents of a certain island had a flashback of him, and a partially eaten hamburger patty stuck to his left cheek when he was first introduced. He could completely overpower Tashigi, an expert swordswoman, and also the entire Unit 01 of G-5 Marines. [7] He also used Geppo to escape from H2S gas via midair and used this technique to travel through a hallway,[19] and Soru to stop Trafalgar Law from retrieving his heart. As Vergo attempted to kill Law on Doflamingo's order, he defeated Smoker in battle but was caught off guard by Law's attack and cut into many pieces by his devil fruit abilities (which still kept him alive). Blood Type: Birthday: [51], Law then cut Vergo into several smaller pieces and attached them to the guardrail in front of the destroyed SAD production machines. Vergo continued being promoted despite always having food on his face. [52] Later, Doflamingo contacted Vergo to inform him that he had instructed Monet to activate a secret destructive gas, which would kill everyone around the lab except Caesar. If you fight with Akainu for a long time, you will fall into a dangerous situation with mortal danger. During that clash, Oden was seen using his Haki-clad blades to slice Kaido's dragon body and leave him reeling. 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[6] Upon discovering that Rosinante spied on the family on behalf of the Marines, Vergo immediately beat his successor violently, showing how angry he was at how their trust was infiltrated by a Marine.[20]. He could also apply it to his bare limbs to enhance his strikes, as seen when he brutalized Law with his hardened fist and elbow. Known to be Wano's strongest of his time, Oden was a marvelous samurai who even impressed the likes of Whitebeard and Roger. [2] This habit started even when he was a simple ten years old, as a large, partly-eaten loaf of french bread was stuck on his cheek.[23]. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 Gallery 4 Others Smoker is a tough Marine, who, when first introduced, was tasked with catching pirates that visited Loguetown before sailing for the Grand Line. Rare moment of Vergo without anything stuck onto his face. [33] The bamboo stick was also used as a blow gun. He contacted Doflamingo to inform him of the situation, and Doflamingo ordered him to kill Law immediately. He also wore black-colored gloves. Vergo wasn’t regularly cut but was just split apart through the effects of the Ope Ope no Mi. In fact, she was even capable of using what the people of Wano call Ryou. [35][36][37], He can use Busoshoku Haki for defensive purposes as well as offense, such as when he blocked Tashigi's sword using his hardened arm. He and Sanji then started clashing kicks as Shinokuni was released from Section A into the passageway. Devil Fruit Smoker has eaten the Smoke-Smoke Fruit (モクモクの実, Moku-Moku no Mi), a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to create, control, and transform into smoke at will. Japanese VA: The air from her lungs disappears from his strength, her chest burns. Vergo's health status will go through the roof with this fruit and will greatly add to his performance. Romanized Name: Debut: [20] Rosinante succeeded Vergo in the title "Corazon". Aside from Doflamingo, Monet was the only member of the Donquixote Pirates who knew about Vergo's mission to infiltrate the Marines. Vergo's former codename, Corazón, is the Spanish word for \"heart\", matching the card suit motif of Doflamingo's top executive officers. Vergo also being heavily augmented into a robot and being related to a terminator, plus sanji relating him to metal (metal that broke sanji), all implies that vergo was probably augmented himself, likely from vegapunk, I mean he was the leader of the g5 new world base, he'd be in a proper marine position to get augmented. Donquixote Rosinante is Doflamingo's younger brother, who disappeared since he was 8 years old and reappeared in front of the Donquixote Pirates at age 22 to join the crew. The SAD Production Room then exploded,[53] and Doflamingo, upon arriving at Punk Hazard later, stated that Vergo had died.[54]. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Under the coat he wore a mauve-colored shirt with a purple-colored ascot embedded with a red jewel, with a golden-yellow outline at the top in the tie. Luffy was victorious against both of the Boa sisters during the Amazon Lily arc of the series. Every morning, Vergo ate a hamburger, fries, and a strawberry milkshake for breakfast. His statement caused them to partly believe that they were truly gone, though some parents still believed that their children are alive. [12], When Smoker and Tashigi were assigned to G-5, Vergo told them that they would grow accustomed to the rowdy soldiers there and may even start caring for them. However, Vergo and his group's distrust towards Caesar led them to hire Monet and place her in Caesar’s organization. Occupations: An evolved step of the Enhancement technique. The two of them fought fiercely, and each managed to land blows on each other. The only one who had direct access and familar experience with the military forces of the WG was Vergo. This was proven by Vergo's two easy victories against Law, although the fact he had Law's heart which he used to weaken him should be taken into consideration. Vergo and Monet are well-acquainted with one another as they work under the same leader. During his fight against Vergo, Law was able to slice through his body, bypassing his Haki in the process, despite not using any on his own blade. [19] Contrary to his G-5 subordinates, he is very loyal to the Donquixote Family, respecting his comrades as family, though he showed extreme brutality when it comes to dealing with traitors, as he violently beat and scolded Rosinante for his treason; similarly, he does not hesitate in using similar violence against disrespectful juniors. Its primary ability was attacking with Busoshoku Haki similar to Luffy's Busoshoku Koka, damaging his enemies severely. [38], If the situation arises or if Vergo becomes enraged enough, he can imbue his entire body with Busoshoku Haki, in which hardens himself. [43], As Law and Monet were walking through Caesar's lab, Vergo approached them from the shadows and stopped Law in his tracks by squeezing his disembodied heart, which Law had given to Caesar as part of their agreement. Pirate[2] Elite Officer;[4] Vice Admiral[3] (undercover);[2] Head of G-5 (undercover);[3] Marine Captain (undercover, former)[5] Both of them have their own strengths and weaknesses and are more than capable of beating the other, depending on the situation. [4], He has shown to have an extremely high level of physical endurance, durability, and resilience as he was able to shake off a direct kick to the head from Sanji, who had strengthened the blow with Diable Jambe (although the attack did cause him to spit out blood), which sent him through a metal wall, followed by an additional barrage with few wounds. [18] His cruelty was reflected in his fighting style, as he often brutally beat his victims into submission. You can connect with him on his email: reipenber17@gmail.com. [23] Although Doflamingo was ultimately forced to leave Vergo to die when he lost to Law, he did so by thanking him for all his services, causing Vergo to smile silently.[25]. Using Shigan, he swiftly stabbed multiple G-5 Marines at Punk Hazard. Junichi Suwabe Vergo covered his entire body in Busoshoku Haki as he prepared to attack Law, but Law then took out his sword and used his Devil Fruit ability to unleash a massive cut which not only bisected Vergo at the waist, but split apart the entire laboratory and mountain. Both these powers are an incredible thing to have in one's arsenal and no one is clearly superior to the other. Both Vergo and Monet were well fleshed out characters, and no one can seriously argue Pound deserves more screentime than Monet, let alone Vergo. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Most of the times, he maintains a stern look on his face. PATREON:https://www.patreon.com/GrandLineReviewDiscord: https://discord.gg/fknbjkkTwitter: https://twitter.com/GrandLineReview Moments before Kizaru was about to execute Zoro, Rayleigh stepped in and blew away his Pika Pika no Mi powers. According to Sengoku, Whitebeard had the power to destroy the world. [20] Doflamingo would suggest that this event traumatized Law to this day. Even though Sanji attacked Vergo to stop him from killing Tashigi, he did despise Vergo for harming his Marine subordinates, stating that he was the kind of man that his captain would hate the most. People who have bitten from the devil's fruit are a special treasure, prized for their oddity. [27] Even when he was 10 years old, Vergo was strong enough to burn down an entire city alongside Trebol, Diamante and Pica, all of whom were minors. Luffy fought against Caesar Clown during the Punk Hazard arc of One Piece and showed the fans exactly how far he had come after his intense training with the Dark King, Rayleigh, for two years. [22] Even Doflamingo is aware of this, as when Vergo claimed to have purchased a camera only to be reminded that he did not buy one at all. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Vergo, age 27, with fried egg stuck to his face. Impressed by Doflamingo's ability to use Haoshoku Haki, Vergo, Trebol, Pica, and Diamante swore their loyalty to the young former Celestial Dragon and treated him like royalty, protecting and training him in the arts needed to make him the Pirate King. However, when the situation called for it, Vergo was willing to mercilessly kill his Marine subordinates, which led them to adamantly believe that the Vergo attacking them was an impostor, insisting that the Vergo they knew was a kind and caring person. Vergo warned Law that he would not be able to replace Doflamingo easily as he did not know Doflamingo's past, and Law responded by vertically bisecting his head. Having spent 15 years ascending the ranks, he nevertheless was an enemy to the organization from the beginning, as he assisted Doflamingo in criminal activities by abusing the privileges as a high-ranking Marine officer, as well as passing off vital information and coverups. Realizing that Rosinante was a spy for the Marines and that Law was the boy he had taken from the crew, Vergo immediately disposed of the document and violently beat both Rosinante and Law by hardening his fists with Busoshoku Haki. [7] He defeated Vice Admiral Smoker with moderate difficulty (while still holding back his full strength)—although Smoker was more focused on retrieving Law's heart. Powers & Abilities Devil Fruit. It'd be funny if Vergo had a devil fruit and simply forgot he had it. Boa Marigold, specifically, was a strong user of Armament Haki. )[7] Smoker fought with Vergo but as a distraction to get Law's heart back. Law then asked Vergo to help save his injured friend, but upon reaching him, Vergo found out his friend was Rosinante. The real vice-admiral Vergo is a man of honour who always stands up for his band of outcasts. [27][20], Vergo possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki. Asadora! During his fight against Vergo, Law was able to slice through his body, bypassing his Haki in the process, despite not using any on his own blade. Before the Void Century, the family was at odds with the Tontatta Tribe. 41[9] To show off the ferocity of the New World, Eiichiro Oda gave the fans a glimpse of what the Haki users of the New World were capable of during the Fishman Island arc of the series when Pekoms fought against Caribou, a Logia type user of the Numa Numa no Mi. The Marines then started attacking Vergo, though they were still in denial and believed him to be an impostor, and Vergo easily took them out. Soon after his death, the power of the fruit was extracted by Blackbeard through unknown means. One of the most mysterious Devil Fruit abilities remains to be that of Trafalgar Law, a member of the Worst Generation, just like Luffy. Epithet: They also refer to Doflamingo as "Doffy". He wears a white jacket over his navy shirt and white pants with yellow shoes. [50], Ultimately, Vergo was able to exploit Smoker's increased body volume that resulted from his Logia transformation and use Busoshoku Haki to land a powerful strike on him, which broke his jitte and left him defeated on the ground. Like Vergo, they are Doflamingo's most trusted elite officers. Sengoku wears a hat with a life sized seagull on top and brings a pet goat to work. Vergo wore a white knee-length trench coat that had a quilted design which stopped just below his waist (where the coat then had a plain design), along with two black pockets slightly above the chest on either side. G-5 (former) When attacking Law, Vergo was seen using a long bamboo stick that he combined with his ability to harden it into a black material, which may be a reference to his nickname "Demon Bamboo. Caesar Clown seemed to trust Vergo, as demonstrated by him giving the Marine Law's heart, who was later able to use it to incapacitate Law when he had begun to move against them. Vergo first met with Trafalgar Law 13 years ago. As a Marine officer, Vergo was supposed to be loyal to the ideals and duties of the naval military; he was shown to be have placed great efforts during his first year enlisted. During Luffy's execution in the Amazon Lily arc, he was made to fight against Boa Sandersonia and Boa Marigold, both of which were excellent users of Haki. [7] While engaging Smoker in the SAD room, he revealed his contempt for his charges, dismissing them as failures to the Marines. Unlike Vergo, Smoker can't do full body armament haki. One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. When Law tried to stop Vergo from brutalizing Rosinante, Vergo extended the beatings to the boy for not giving him the proper honorific suffix "-san". 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He also believed that being their leader, he has the right to do anything he wants to them, even killing them outright. The four children ruthlessly burning down an entire town for their poor pavement making their leader trip. He disguised himself as a Navy officer, commander of Branch G-5. Now we all know Vergo is a sloppy eater but an Axolotl's primary feeding method is by suction which is kind of ironic, yet what would be even funnier is if he gets food stuck on his chin regardless of feeding method. [19] In fact, he did not even notice there was a large piece of patty (or any other food and utensils) on his cheek until he was made to notice it. [39] According to Doflamingo, it protects Vergo from even Law's spatial cutting power, which was supposedly able to cut through anything. With no knowledge of the ability, Luffy was still able to bypass Observation Haki using a technique known as Gomu Gomu no Boh. [40], During his time as a cadet, as with many others of his rank at the time, he wielded a rifle on his back. [12], While around citizens, Vergo was cited to be an amiable, personable and approachable person in comparison to the other G-5 Marines. Finally at the top of the list is none other than the "Hero of the Marines," Monkey D. Garp. [6] He reached the rank of captain by the time Doflamingo took over Dressrosa,[5] and eventually became a vice admiral. Busoshoku Haki. ... Hopefully this clears up once and for all this misconception about Law's devil fruit limitations. Despite this, Vergo tried to warn him about Doflamingo's past, which Law ignored. [3] He was also skillful enough to deceive the entire Marine force, including the observant Smoker, in hiding his true affiliations, as well as deceiving citizens with pretexts by falsifying the crimes into "accidents at sea". RELATED: One Piece: 5 Ways Zoro Changed Since He Was Introduced (& 5 Ways He Stayed The Same). NEXT: One Piece: 10 Facts You Wouldn't Expect About Kaido, Rei Penber is an avid fan of anime and manga. Vergo was stated to be Donquixote Doflamingo's most beneficial and trustworthy Marine officer. Despite Caesar's Logia powers in full effect, he was blown away due to Luffy's superior Haki. Vergo imbuing his bamboo stick with Busoshoku Haki. [29], Vergo was the first person to hold the Heart seat (and in effect, the codename "Corazon") in the Donquixote Pirates. Despite having Haki up her sleeve, Luffy was able to overpower her with the sheer ferocity of Gear Second, proving that Haki can indeed be overcome with greater force. Official English Name: [12] However, once pointed out by Monet, Vergo then proceeded to finish eating the piece of food stuck to his cheek. [1] Due to his duplicitous conduct and allegiances, he can be considered the secondary antagonist of the Punk Hazard Arc.[2]. Smoker's perception on justice also allows the Straw Hat Pirates to remain at liberty, despite being pirates during the Alabasta Incident. One of Caesar's men then reported that the prisoners had escaped their cage and broken into the lab, and Vergo went to go deal with Law and Smoker to ensure that he and Doflamingo would stay out of trouble. Just like he used Gear Second to overwhelm Boa Marigold, he did something similar during his fight against Boa Sandersonia. He got his devil fruit from Trebol when he was 10 after he had awakened his haoshoku haki and knocked out the people who were trying to torture him. However, upon Doflamingo's instructions to be enlisted into the Marines, his "secret mission" had been kept even from the members of the Donquixote Pirates as stated by Donquixote Rosinante in his private conversation with Law. From his sideburns on, his facial hair grew horizontally. Though she could slow down time, and even reverse it, there was a limit to what she could do depending on her physical strength. )[19] but also referred to him as "Joker". Both of them have their own strengths and weaknesses and are more than capable of beating the other, depending on the situation. 247 cm (8'1")[8] [46], Vergo went to the passageway between Sections A and B and confronted a platoon of the G-5 Marines led by Tashigi. Age at Death: Personality He was also shown to be a person who demands respect from others, such as when he demanded that Law refer to him as Vergo-san. To the surprise of the fans, Pekoms was able to end this fight in just one punch as his Haki was way too powerful for Caribou to stand up against. Law also did not hesitate in leaving Vergo to die in the SAD production room, which he knew would explode. Anime He had golden-blonde hair, fair skin (tanner in the manga, much like his brother), and sharp, reddish-brown eyes. "[41] When Vergo used Haki, it was colored jet black. "Demon Bamboo" Vergo (鬼竹のヴェルゴ, Kichiku no Verugo? However, he did not truly need it, as he threw it aside when beating Rosinante and Law up violently.[20]. (former)[6] In some appearances, he sometimes have piece of food stuck to his face. In my opinion its really possible that Oda might do this. However,finding out that his brother is betraying him is even worse. So her range of attacks she can use will broaden with the consumption of a devil fruit. And now DD is in Impel Down heavily guarded. Who takes this? [27] Vergo mocked Law by pretending to respect him as a Warlord, and then beating him unconscious without hesitation. Alias: Vergo's birthday of July 5th is a pun on G-5, as G is the seventh letter of the alphabet. Among the Straw Hats, Vergo only fought against Sanji. He is a user of the Ope Ope no Mi, the ultimate Devil Fruit. It is unknown whether it was a special bamboo stick or not as Vergo never used his bamboo without infusing it with Haki. Unique Vergo Posters designed and sold by artists. One such time, she crossed paths with Smoker, the user of the Logia type Moku Moku no Mi. 1. [27], Vergo also supported Caesar's research by reporting the kidnapped children to have died in accidents at sea in the official Marine reports, as well as helping to shroud the true nature of Punk Hazard in mystery,[42][2] though out of distrust, Monet was placed as a deep cover agent to monitor the deranged scientist on behalf of Joker. To Luffy 's Busoshoku Koka, damaging his enemies severely him on cheek. Bamboo '' Vergo ( 鬼竹のヴェルゴ, Kichiku vergo devil fruit Verugo though Sandersonia could read movements. Vergo ranked 59th, making him the most brutal method possible with egg... Dorms, bedrooms, offices, or anywhere blank walls are n't welcome his! 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