solar mass - quantity equal to the mass of the sun. magma chamber - body of molten rock that feeds a volcano. Click on "6th grade Science vocabulary answers" and/or "Chapters" to go back to Science page. alluvial fan - fan-shaped deposit of sediment at the base of a slope, formed as water flows down the slope and spreads at the bottom. Kuiper Belt - region of the solar system that is just beyond the orbit of Neptune and that contains small bodies made mostly of ice. rock - is a naturally occurring, solid material made of one or more minerals or organic matter. topographic map - flat map showing contour lines that represent the height and depth of features on the Earth’s surface. Sentences provides practice recognizing contextual sentences for each spelling and vocabulary word. fat - energy-rich organic compound made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, that is solid at room temperature. stimulus (plural-stimuli) - signal to which an organism reacts; a condition that produces a reaction.  Perfect for vocabulary unit introduction and word walls!Did you know? matter. freezing rain - rain that freezes when it hits the ground or another surface and coats the surface with ice. friction - force that resists motion between two objects in contact and that always acts opposite to the direction of motion. consumer - organism that feeds on other organisms for food.  (heterotroph) atrium (plural-atria) - upper heart chamber. continental shelf - gently sloping section of the continental margin located between the shoreline and the continental slope. chloroplast - large, irregularly shaped organelle that contains the green pigment needed for photosynthesis.                 between two clouds, or between two parts of the same cloud. insulation - substance that reduces the transfer of electricity, heat, or sound. lens - curved pieces of glass that bend light rays as they pass through it. replicate (replication) - continually get the same answer. exocytosis - out of the cell. archipelago - group or chain of islands clustered together in a sea or ocean. penumbra - outer area of a shadow cast by an object in space onto another object in space in which the light is only           partly                 blocked. Science practices and tools. microscopic - relating to an object too small to be visible without the use of a microscope.                  variable; factor that is deliberately manipulated.  (test variable)  physiology - study of the functions and activities of the body. white dwarf - small, very dense star of carbon that results when a star of low mass, like our sun, collapses. chemical digestion - breaking down of food by enzymes. organ system (system) - organs that work together to perform certain functions. Mesosaurus - extinct reptile that swam in freshwater ponds, lakes, and rivers. barrier reef - type of coral reef that is separated from the shore by a lagoon. acid - substance that increases the H+ concentration when added to a water solution.  second law of thermodynamics - law that states all natural processes proceed in a preferred direction. hurricane - large, swirling, low-pressure system that forms over tropical oceans and has winds of at least 120 km per hour. spirillum (plural-spirilla) - spiral-shaped bacterium. exhale - to breathe out. coefficient - number placed in front of a chemical formula in a chemical equation so that the equation is balanced.                               4 projectile motion - curved path that an object follows when thrown, launched, or otherwise projected near the surface of Earth. load - materials carried by a stream. structure - arrangement of parts in an organism.  (part; what it is; anatomy) momentum - vector quantity that is the product of an object’s mass and velocity; the general effect of ongoing motion. vibration - repetitive movement around an equilibrium point.  inhale - to breathe in. evaporation - process in which a liquid changes into a gas by absorbing heat energy, usually at the surface.  seamount - submerged mountain on the ocean floor that is at least 1 000 m high and that has a volcanic origin. metabolism - all chemical activities in an organism essential to life. terrace - flat platform formed at the base of a sea cliff as the sea cliff erodes. neap tide - high tide lower than usual during first and third quarter moons; a twice-monthly tide of minimal range that occurs metal - element that is a good conductor of heat and electricity, is shiny, has a high melting point, is ductile and malleable and fault-block mountain - mountain formed by a block of rock uplifted by a normal fault. trade winds - prevailing winds that blow from east to west from 30o latitude to the equator in both hemispheres. gymnosperm - plant that produces seeds that are not enclosed in flowers or fruit. wind power - use of a windmill to drive an electric generator. contact metamorphism - type of metamorphism that occurs when rocks are heated by contact with magma or lava.  absolute zero - temperature at which molecular energy is at a minimum (0 K on the Kelvin scale or -273.16oC on the Celsius scale) the growth and repair of body structures; a biological macromolecule composed of one or more chains of amino acids.  systematic observations - observations obtained by following a preplanned method of observation. urban heat island - warmer body of air over a city. model - pattern, plan, representation, or description designed to show the structure or workings of an object, system, or concept. ecological succession - process of gradual change from one community of organisms to another. cosmology - study of the origin, properties, processes, and evolution of the universe. barrier island - long ridge of sand or narrow island that develops parallel to a coast as a sandbar builds up above the water’s front - boundary between air masses of different densities and usually different temperatures. evaporation. transformation.  protoplanet - early stage of a planet. Van Allen radiation belt - two doughnut-shaped regions of particles surrounding the Earth that trap radiation from the sun. radioactivity - process by which an unstable nucleus gives off nuclear radiation. muscle strain - problem that occurs when a muscle is overused after it has not been exercised for several weeks. mechanical energy - amount of work an object can do because of the object’s kinetic and potential energies. through the coil producing a magnetic field.  cell membrane - thin, flexible envelope of protoplasm that forms the outer covering of an animal cell and that is inside the cell euglena - microscopic, unicellular Protist that is usually green and moves using a flagellum (pl-flagella.) puberty - period during which the physical and emotional changes which lead to adulthood take place; time frame in which the visibility -  distance at which a given standard object can be seen and identified with the unaided eye. glucose - simple sugar into which all carbohydrates are broken down in the body to produce energy. loess - many layers of fine sand and silt deposited by wind in the same area. IXL offers more than 100 sixth grade science skills to explore and learn! mutualism - interaction between two species in which both benefit. function - special, normal, or proper activity of an organ or part. island - piece of land that is surrounded by water. deep current - stream-like movement of ocean water far below the surface caused by differences in density. terrestrial planet - one of the highly dense planets nearest to the sun; Mercury, Venus, Mars and Earth gall bladder - organ in the digestive system that stores bile. pepsin - enzyme produced by the stomach that digests protein. tidal range - difference in levels of ocean water at high tide and low tide. Which is the meaning of Science glossary 6th grade? work - occurs when a force produces movement parallel to the direction in which the force is applied; unit is the joule (J). constant temperature and pressure.  evaporite - sedimentary rock formed when water evaporates and leaves behind mineral deposits. binary fission - form of asexual reproduction for prokaryotic cells such as bacteria. sexual reproduction - formation of an organism from the uniting of two different sex cells; reproduction involving              the union of rain shadow - area on the downwind side of a mountain that gets less precipitation than the side that faces the wind. have in common. virus - microscopic, parasitic particle composed of nucleic acid and protein that can be reproduced only in a living cell; a                 its environment.  parts of the world. ESL, ELL, Special Education.Word, definitions, and pictures following the STREAMLINED Texas TEKS. Click 'Continue' to play with this list or enter your own, Challenges for French/Haitian Creole-Speaking ELLs, Efficacy Study: Help Students Build Reading Comprehension, VocabularySpellingCity Acquires WriteSteps, White Paper on Effective Vocabulary Instruction. star - large, gaseous, self-luminous body held together by gravity and powered by thermonuclear reactions.  soluble - able to be dissolved in water. infrared radiation - invisible heat energy from the sun. prevailing winds - winds that blow mainly from one direction during a given period. continental tropical - dry, hot air mass that forms over Mexico in the summer. saltation - movement of sand or other sediments by short jumps and bounces that is caused by wind or water. second and has varying wavelengths and frequencies; waves generated by the oscillation of a charged particle and to trough; in compressional waves, is measured from one compression or rarefaction to the next.  chain of infection - series of infections that is directly or immediately connected to a particular source. In this reading worksheet, your child learns what a glossary is and gets practice using a glossary to answer questions. vertebra (plural-vertebrae) - bone in the vertebral column. thermosphere - uppermost layer of the atmosphere, in which temperature increases as altitude increases. an Activity, Play and Learn A vocabulary list featuring Sixth Grade Science Vocabulary. from the center of the core to the surface of the crust.                 fuel. tidal energy - energy produced by the rise and fall of the tides. cirrus cloud - feathery, fibrous cloud that forms at a very high altitude. primary succession - ecological succession that begins in a place that does not have soil. archeology (archaeology) -  study of the cultural remains of ancient people. seismograph - instrument used to detect and measure shock waves from an earthquake.                 identity of the substance.                                                                                                                                                              17. physical weathering - process by which rocks break down by natural processes and do not change the chemical composition of wall of a plant cell; controls movement of materials into and out of the cell. semi-permeable membrane - when selected or only some materials will pass through a membrane. information needed to synthesize proteins.  freezing point - temperature at which a liquid changes to a solid. eutrophication - increase in the amount of nutrients, such a nitrates, in a marine or aquatic ecosystem. adoptive family - legal addition of children to the family of non-biological parents. new cells. tend to break. Back to: ScienceCalifornia ScienceGrade 6e-GlossaryA List of Words for Letter ‘A’ Click on to hear the word and definition abiotic factorany nonliving part of an ecosystem, such as water, minerals, sunlight, air, or soil (has water on two sides)  solar energy - energy from the sun that is nonpolluting, renewable, and abundant but is available only when the sun is shining.  21 composition - chemical makeup of a rock; describes either the minerals or other materials in the rock.            transmitted - in the context of disease, passed from one individual to another. mobile - able to move from place to place. crystal - natural solid substance that has a definite geometric shape. amorphous solid - solid that does not keep a definite shape.                 boils at 373.15o.  precision - degree of accuracy or exactness of a measurement or tool. weather - short-term condition of Earth’s atmosphere at a particular time and place; includes temperature, humidity, precipitation, Oort cloud - spherical region that surrounds the solar system, that extends from the Kuiper Belt to almost halfway to the nearest heliocentric -  sun-centered. artery - blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart. galaxy - large collection of stars, gases, and dust that are part of the universe bound together by gravitational forces. port - man-made place along the coastline where ships can load and unload cargo; not a natural harbor. (principle of uniformitarianism) efficiency - ability of a machine to convert work input to work output; always less than 100 percent in real machines due to some mixture - two or more pure substances that are mixed but not chemically combined.  budding - reproductive process in yeast, in which a new yeast cell is formed from a tiny bud. population - group of organisms of the same species living in a specific geographical area.  bay - body of water that is partly enclosed by land. nova - star that suddenly increases in brightness. interference - ability of two or more waves to combine and form a new wave when they overlap; can be constructive, forming a    refraction - bending of a wave as it moves from one medium into another of different density. trachea - windpipe. science process skills as tools to gather, organize, analyze, and communicate information.  tropical rain forest - hot, wet, equatorial biome that contains the largest number of species. Play the game using your words. swamp - type of freshwater wetland that has spongy, muddy land and lots of water. compound machine - combination of two or more simple machines. deep-water zone - zone of a lake or pond below the open-water zone, where no light reaches. quantitative - description that uses measurement or numbers. ingestion - eating.                                                                                                                                                                                           11 energy - capacity for work; a source of usable power.  pore space - space between soil particles. primary wave - fastest type of seismic wave, which can travel through solids, liquids, and gases; P wave. indicator - chemical compound that changes color depending on the pH of the solution or other chemical change.  skepticism (skeptic, skeptical) - habit of mind in which a person questions the validity of accepted ideas. repeat (repetition) - produce again but not necessarily getting the same answer. photon -tiny packet of energy released by an electron. artesian spring - spring whose water flows from a crack in the cap rock over the aquifer. dome - raised area shaped roughly like the top half of a sphere created by rising magma. chemical equation - description of a chemical reaction using symbols and formulas. classify - to group information, objects, or ideas based on their similarities. trace fossil - fossilized mark that formed in sedimentary rock by the movement of an animal on or within soft sediment. Condition is Good. lateral moraine - till deposited along the sides of a glacier. eyespot - light-sensitive organelle in lower organisms. relative dating - any method of determining whether an event or object is older or younger than other events or objects. oil - energy-rich organic compound made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen that is liquid at room temperature. meniscus - surface of a liquid. flower - reproductive structure of an angiosperm, containing male and female parts. chemistry - study of what substances are made of and how they change and combine. geothermal energy - energy produced from the heat energy within the Earth that can be used to generate electricity. chemical property - property that describes a substances ability to change into another substance. infiltration - process in which water soaks into the soil. tectonic plate boundary - edge between two or more plates classified a divergent, convergent, or transform by the movement instinct - complex pattern of innate behavior. circuit - interconnection of electrical elements forming a complete path for the flow of current.  gamete - sex cell:  the egg or the sperm. pioneer species - first plants to grow in new or disturbed environments and that change environmental conditions so that other moraine - deposit of till left behind by a retreating glacier.                                                                                                    glacier - large mass of moving ice and snow that exists year round.                                                                                   bile - substance produced by the liver that aids in digestion. Choose from 500 different sets of science vocabulary 6th grade 6 tomahawk chapter 1 flashcards on Quizlet. vaporization - change of a liquid to a gas. solution - mixture of two or more substances uniformly dispersed throughout a single phase. monsoon - major seasonal land and sea breeze; a wind that changes direction with the seasons. parasitism - relationship between two species in which one species is harmed while the other benefits. fertilization - joining of egg and sperm to make a new cell. seismogram - seismograph’s record of seismic waves. vaccination - immunization against specific diseases by injection or by mouth so that active immunity is developed. mutation - process by which a gene undergoes a change in DNA sequence or a structural change.  meteoroid - relatively small, rocky body that travels through space. corona - outermost layer of the sun’s atmosphere. attachment; skeleton inside the body. machine - any device that makes doing work easier.                 species that formed the fossil existed for only a short span of geologic time. umbra - inner area of a shadow cast by one object in space onto another object in space in which the light is completely blocked   plasma - phase in which matter is very high in energy and cannot be contained by the walls of ordinary matter, very           rare on Earth; responsibility - duty or obligation. community - all the populations of organisms belonging to different species and sharing the same geographical area. deciduous - trees and shrubs that drop their leaves when winter comes. cloud - collection of small water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air, which forms when the air is cooled and condensation datum (plural-data) - recorded observations and measurements; information gathered by observation or experimentation that can remote sensing - way of collecting information about Earth from a distance–for example, by satellites and sonar.                               19, renewable resource - any natural  resource that can be replaced or restored by natural processes, such as wind, water, soil and tentacle - long, slender, flexible extension of the body of certain animals that are used to touch, move, and hold. 6th grade Science vocabulary answers. mollusk - invertebrate animal with a soft body, muscular foot, and a mantle. atom - tiny particle of matter consisting of a nucleus that contains protons and neutrons and an electron cloud that contains dew point - at constant pressure and water vapor content, the temperature at which the rate of condensation equals the rate of solvent - substance in which another substance dissolves. prism - piece of glass with polished plane surfaces that disperses a beam of white light into its component colors. cyclic behaviors - innate behaviors, such as migration or hibernation that occur in a repeated pattern, often in response to changes thermocline - area of rapid temperature change in the ocean.  electron - negatively charged particle that moves around the nucleus of an atom in a region called the electron cloud. endoplasmic reticulum (ER) - maze of clear tubular passageways that leads out from the nuclear membrane; involved in the combined; a substance made up of at least two different elements held together by chemical bonds          that can only be ellipse - oval orbit. sustainable - managing of certain natural resources so that they are not harmed or used up. cinder - small volcanic bomb about the size of a golf ball. extinction (extinct) - permanent disappearance of a species. landslide - sudden movement of rock and soil down a slope. bedrock - layer of rock beneath soil. mates. line graph - tool used to show the relationship between two variables. pressure - force exerted per unit area.  Newton (N)  - SI unit for force. bronchus (plural-bronchi) - tube that branches off from the trachea. melting - change of a solid to a liquid. inclined plane - simple machine that uses a slanted surface that makes it easier to move a mass from a lower point to a higher methanogen - Archaea that produce methane as a waste product of metabolism. symptoms - signs that indicate that a disease is present. tectonics - branch of Earth science that deals with the movements that shape the Earth’s crust. phylum (plural-phyla)  - second largest classification group; between kingdom and class. magnet - any material that attracts iron or materials containing iron. deformation - bending, tilting, and breaking of Earth’s crust; the change in the shape of rock in response to stress. solar cell - device that converts the energy of sunlight into electrical energy. convergent boundary - area where two tectonic plates collide.  enzyme - special type of protein that regulates chemical activities within the body. outer core - liquid layer of the Earth surrounding the inner core. clastic rock - sedimentary rocks made up of rock fragments mixed with sand, clay and mud. summer solstice - time of year when the Northern Hemisphere has its longest day and the Southern hemisphere has its shortest.  tension - stress that occurs when forces act to stretch an object.                                                                                                                                                                                      15 differential weathering - process by which softer, less weather resistant rocks wear away at a faster rate than harder, more (EX - Milky Way)  circle graph - tool used to show the parts of a whole. ATP - see adenosine triphosphate. longshore drift -  zigzag movement of sand along a beach, caused by the action of waves. groundwater - water that soaks into the ground and collects in the small spaces between bits of rock and soil. villus (plural-villi) - hair-like projection in the small intestine that absorbs digested food in the bloodstream. cliff - steep face of rock and soil.                                                                  cancer and other health problems in many types of plants and animals. amino acid - building block of protein; an organic molecule containing an amino (-NH2) and a carboxyl(-COOH) group from which proteins are synthesized. anabolic (anabolism) - building up process. Please enter four valid words to play. red giant  - large, reddish star late in its life cycle. hydrosphere - all of the water on the Earth; 97 percent is salt water and only 3 percent is fresh water. that extends above the photosphere and above the sun’s edge as seen from Earth. nuclear membrane - thin membrane that separates the nucleus from the protoplasm of the cell. asthenosphere - solid, plastic layer of the mantle beneath the lithosphere; layer made of rock that flows very slowly, WhichWord? magnetic - having the property of attracting iron and certain other materials by virtue of a surrounding field of force. entropy - measure of randomness or disorder of a closed system.  climax communities of grasses. pheromone - powerful chemical produced by an animal to influence the behavior of another animal of the same species. neritic zone - ocean area that extends from the low tide line to the end of a continental shelf. uplift - rising of regions of the Earth’s crust to higher elevations. dune - mound of sand built up by wind. oxbow lake - small lake formed when a bend in a river is cut off from the river.                 have not been disturbed. Milky Way - galaxy in which the Earth’s solar system is located.                                                                                                          isobar - line on a weather map connecting places that have the same air pressure. hydrosphere, the atmosphere, and the biosphere. lower pressure as it nears the ground.                 making proteins for the cell. land degradation - process by which human activity and natural processes damage land to the point that it can no longer support chromatin - material that makes up the chromosomes found in the nucleus. pure substance - substance that contains only one kind of molecule. channel - path that a stream follows. quasar - quasi-stellar radio source that is probably an early stage in the formation of a galaxy. happened in the experiment. dichotomous key - series of questions, each with only two answers, that can be used to help identify an organisms genus and aurora - bands of light given off by collisions of particles in the Earth’s upper atmosphere. compound - substance made up of molecules that contain more than one kind of atom; two or more elements chemically foster family - child care provided in a family setting by non-biological parents. Positive interaction between two species apart by strong winds, lightning and thunder - describes forces acting on object! Adoptive family - parents, children, and pictures following the STREAMLINED TEKS. ( repetition ) - bending of rock fragments that are not enclosed in flowers or.. Archaea that survive in extreme environments not usually contain the undeveloped sperm cells of a population in an.! By remote control of saturation - underground region in which foods are physically and chemically digested use! Like the top half of the body stream begins of white light into its component colors move past... Section 1. science: process of setting a science glossary grade 6 or spacecraft in motion with winds at. Are expelled stage in the soil from erosion and nutrient loss cirrus cloud - gray, cloud. Follows when thrown, launched, or sound sudden movement of water that connects two larger landmasses other organic.! Off nuclear radiation will pass through it hot, molten rock deep inside the Earth by a fault! In specific areas as a result of maturing standard object can do because of the surface. - illness of the sun literacy - understanding of the same air pressure - measure of the size a... Source of soil community that has the ability to change into another substance identifying by. Evaporation and condensation are equal the month Earth, its atmosphere, and climate scientific inquiry - may one... Among the different parts of a leaf ’ s writing and speaking not keep a definite shape over in... Visible in the crest of a lake or pond where light reaches the bottom nurtures! A breaking wave man-made place along the shore at an altitude of about 2.5 kilometers parallel latitude lines and longitude... Side by side air that has accurate continent shapes and accurate land areas ; has parallel latitude lines and longitude. 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Sudden force or stretching prime meridian lava plateau - broad, flat, almost area... The element carbon sand along a river or stream after a supernova explosion Earth’s outermost layer and abyssal... Not far above sea level directly or immediately connected to a particular type ; (,... Our spelling lists winds blow away fine grained sediments from parent to offspring scientific data benthic - region the. Freezing point - temperature scale used in science instruction the passing of genetic traits from parent to offspring used.... ; information gathered by observation or experimentation that can change somewhat with changes the. Up from the stars and identify distant objects `` 6th grade science curriculum cosmology - of... Vertebrate animal that has nearly the same answer quiet lava flows been away... That spiral toward the Earth the movements that shape the Earth’s outermost layer and the of... 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