Metaconversation: A conversation after and about a conversation 5. ram/i: branch: Latin Metagame: A game about other games 9. Meta is when something refers back to or is about itself, like a book about books or a meme about memes. 1878 in the physiology sense of "the sum of the chemical changes within the body by which the protoplasm is renewed, changed, or prepared for excretion," from French métabolisme, from Greek metabole "a change," from metaballein "to change," from meta "change" (see meta-) + ballein "to throw" (from PIE root *gwele- "to throw, reach"). Translate Meta. micro-small. It’s often used in the predicate, though, as in: that video was so meta. Meta definition is - showing or suggesting an explicit awareness of itself or oneself as a member of its category : cleverly self-referential. bol(e) has a meaning of throw or place. Either way, this quiz on Spanish words for animals is for you. 1. Metagrammar: A grammar that explains all possible grammars 10. In the late 1990s, metagaming was used in games like Dungeons & Dragons to refer to an in-game character unfairly using information gathered outside of the game world by their player. 2. Metachrosis: The ability to change colour of skin (among animals) 3. Metalanguage definition, any language or symbolic system used to discuss, describe, or analyze another language or symbolic system. First recorded in 1875–80; independent use of,