Notable for being a very egocentric species, Hutts on their homeworld believed themselves to be the center of the universe, akin to deities to some of their subject races. They often hired smugglers such as Han Solo to transport illegal spice. The Rybets also claimed that Varl was their original homeworld but this was dismissed by the Hutts. Practically speaking, the matter was far from settled, with a multitude of provisions allowing for extension of contract time and the levying of fines against indentured servants who "violated" the terms of their agreement. [7], The Shadow Collective attacked the perimeter of Jabba's Palace, paving the path for Darth Maul, Savage Opress, and Pre Vizsla into Jabba's inner sanctum. Some of the most successful Hutts had sail barges. Sugi, one of the bounty hunters, hurled a knife at Maul but it was stopped by Opress, who hurled it back and the bounty hunters opened fire. During the Galactic Civil War, they clashed on multiple occasions with a group of mercenaries operating on the planet Tatooine, and established an alliance with the Galactic Empire. While this made them distinctive to non-Hutts, they were seen with distaste and considered a type of mutant among their race.[3]. A Mandalorian is defined by their ability to fight, protect their family, and earn honor for their clan in combat. Meanwhile, the Hutts were secretly informing the New Republic with locations where the Yuuzhan Vong would strike. Dark AgesEdit. Jabba Desilijic Tiure held considerable power in the Cartel. This allowed the Hutts to move their goods and forces in place until the Sith either worked with them or were mercilessly destroyed. These indentured had their personal rights temporarily suspended, with respect to freedom of movement and assembly, choice of occupation, along with the right to enter into contract, all of which were seen as major considerations. Though extremely competitive with one another, all Hutts believed that they held a special place in the galaxy as they were superior beings compared to other life forms. [16] The surviving Tionese appealed to their former Republic foes for protection and most of the Tionese worlds subsequently joined the Republic. [22] When Jabba learned that Solo had joined the Rebellion, Jabba placed a large bounty on the smuggler's head.[9]. But Snootles killed Ziro and took the records back to her employer on Tatooine who was Jabba Desilijic Tiure. The members of the species were often recognized as crime lords. The Mandalorian escaped the explosion in a life pod and headed to the neighboring Junkfort Station where he had contacted the Desilijic Hutt Clan agent. Some Hutts, such as Quaffug, were believed to possess multiple brains, though whether this was a species-wide trait was unknown. In the Jedi Civil War, and later the Dark Wars, the Hutts found themselves being increasingly challenged by the criminal syndicate known as the Exchange. On Nar Shaddaa, the Evocii began mutating due to the various technologies practiced on the moon. Natas Wynv'sin Azzim, is a force-sensitive Hutt and leader of the Wynv'sin Hutt Clan. They were tough and muscular with thick leathery skin, which was wrinkled and slimy. There's a sketch of the tattoo on that page here. Members of this species were stereotyped as crime lords. The second part of their name was the Cuirvas which identified their clan. Work sites employing indentured labor were commonly inspected at the manager's private estate, often during a sumptuous dinner. Their power base on the desert world of Tatooine was preserved. A Hutt's hide was thick enough to take several blaster shots before vital organs were reached, permitting the Hutt ample time to pulverize would-be assassins who came unprepared to deal with such a fleshy obstacle. The Hutts continued doing this until the Evocii realized that their homeworld had almost been bought out from under them. With the Yuuzhan Vong's defeat in 29 ABY, the Hutts reasserted control over many of their worlds particularly Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa and sought to dominate regional reconstruction efforts. [32] After the fall of the Empire, the Hutt Clan fell to infighting as surviving families attempted to carve up the territory of the late Jabba.[30]. The second part of their name was the Cuirvas which identified their clan. They had three lungs. Hutts spoke and read their own language known as Huttese though were equalably able to master Basic. However, the Hutts resented the Sith Emperor for not including them in his pre-war conspiracy against the Republic. Location(s) Hutt naming structure was divided into three parts with the first being typically known to outsiders. I use the Illip Kajidic (Hutt Clan) as one of the antagonist in my personal Star Wars roleplaying canon. What was known was that the Hutts were an aggressive warrior species with expansionist plans who invaded several outlying worlds. Dunka the Hutt through his translator droid, announced the resurgence of the once mighty and profitable Unabunko Clan, led then by Smooka the Hutt with an iron fist. The clan was directed by the Grand Hutt Council, which was comprised of heads of the five families from Nal Hutta. During the era of the New Sith Wars, the shattered factions of the New Sith Empire intruded upon Hutt Space where they occupied the region. This was because those kajidics that were powerfu monetarily controlled the politics in Hutt society. Jabba led the Hutt Clan during the Imperial Era. This led to the Jedi Order dispatching Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi to investigate the matter whereupon they learned that Tagta intended to extort the Republic by demanding one billion credits for their use of the Sheela Run. [26] It is also a loose Hutt term for their clans, "business enterprises" and criminal syndicates. In addition, they were highly self-centered though they were capable of valuing others, particularly fellow clan members, when they were conducting important and dangerous tasks. Yet they were also similar to worms as they were hermaphroditic and thus held both male and female sex organs. The plot was meant to discredit the Jedi Order and scuttle negotiations between the Republic and the Hutts, but the Jedi were able to rescue Rotta from the Separatists. The Shadow Collective, also simply called the Collective or the syndicate, was a criminal organization that was created by Darth Maul for his plot of revenge and domination. While Bo-Katan was loyal to Vizsla, she had reservations concerning Death Watch’s alliance with two beings they discovered in an escape pod: the Sith brothers Dar… They also possessed their own courts which were used to determine the legality of wills left behind by deceased Hutts and declaring which were genuine and which were fraudulent. [17] After they and the t'landa Til arrived in the Y'Toub system, the Hutts renamed the planet Nal Hutta, or "Glorious Jewel" in Huttese. In fact, their survival after the destruction of their homeworld of Varl led them to believe that they were greater than the gods that they had once worshiped. Headquarters Having decided that Evocar was a suitable home, they traded their technology with the Evocii in exchange for pieces of land on Evocar. For a time, Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa prospered since they were located on popular trade routes. Maul managed to throw Marrok off when several smoke bombs were thrown. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Hutts thought they could save themselves by cooperating with the Yuuzhan Vong. The next major event to befall the Hutts was a terrifying civil war known as the Hutt Cataclysms with the origin of the conflict being unknown. He formed the group first by enlisting the splinter group, Death Watch with a faction of the Black Sun and spice traders of the Pyke Family soon following. Unusually for a species so far from humanoid, several Hutts have been known to find female humanoids attractive in some way, though it is unknown whether this is in a sexual manner, in something similar to art appreciation, as status symbols, or for reasons completely beyond our understanding. The heart of Hutt culture is the kajidic, a clan-based syndicate governed by a single Hutt and often specialized in illegal activities. Hutt fortresses would usually be guarded by selected mercenaries or bounty hunters. [19], An eight year old boy, Luke Skywalker had gone to take the water back from Jabba's men and give it back to the farmers. Lesser ranking Hutts who controlled territory in the name of the cartel were granted the title "Master of the Hutt Clan." For instance, Jiliac was referred to as a female after becoming pregnant, but Popara and Zorba still considered themselves males after birthing their respective children. Kenobi, who had been watching over him, went to their encounter, but blew their vehicle's lights with the Force to hide his identity and proceeded to disable all of Jabba's henchmen with the Force. Kolluga was born in 901 BBY as the son of Oruba and Rotta Desilijic Fortiure on Nal Hutta. Given the choice between the Hutt courts and indentured servitude, many chose the latter. Maul and Opress cut through several guards while Vizsla set fire to the council table with his flamethrower so that they could have a head start. Whilst the Empire's anti-slavery policies greatly hurt their operations, exceptions were made for Hutt Space and several other cooperatives that the Hutts moved quickly to control. Further provisions were added that theoretically protected an indentured party and defined proper treatment. [2] Prior to this point, they were not considered important nor accountable for their actions for the next millennia. Desilijic was a Hutt kajidic. Affiliation Regardless of the true conditions of the work environment, the indentured parties were expected to work without complaint, however this was defined in their contract. Full-grown adult Hutts were very large creatures, boasting a total body-weight as much as a metric ton. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Hutts were resistant to many poisons and diseases and seldom fell ill.[7] Perhaps most remarkably of all, Hutts could even regenerate body parts when injured. Most of their bulk rested in their bulging belly and thick, slug-like tail, adding to their impression of bloated corruption. Content approaching. Gamorreans and Weequay were common species to fulfill this duty. Hutts all across the galaxy to even the furthest outskirts ultimately abided by the decisions of the council. Jabba refused to agree to Skywalker's bargain and instead tried to execute him via a rancor. [30], Hutts had a reputation of lacking social skills. This list of characters from the Star Wars franchise contains only those which are considered part of the official Star Wars canon, as of the changes made by Lucasfilm in April 2014. Arok represented it on the Hutt Grand Council in 21 BBY. But their dealings were eventually discovered by the Sith Empire. See more ideas about star wars, star wars rpg, star wars characters. After gaining the information, the Grand Hutt Council hired Bane to free Ziro the Hutt before he revealed the Council's records, which were kept in a holodiary on Teth, to the Republic Senate. They made a deal with Nom Anor that they would provide the extragalactic invaders with several Hutt worlds in exchange for being left alone. In 24,000 BBY, Hutt Space and the Tion Cluster were first encountered by the Core Worlds—based Galactic Republic which had discovered the Perlemian Trade Route. [12] The strongest loyalty held by a Hutt was always towards its kajidic without which a Hutt would be considered nothing more than a commoner.[9]. Tatooine was suffering from the effects of the Great Drought, leaving moisture farmers with little water to harvest; worsening conditions on the poor, backwater world. According to a vision by Kreia, the Hutts eventually ceased tolerating the presence of the Exchange which caused the criminal syndicate to slowly feed on itself till it was destroyed as a result. Within the Hutt Empire, the Conclave of Worms was called which saw the newly appointed Clan-General, Kossak the Hutt, emerge to rally the clans which led to three brutal engagements over the planet Vontor. Thus, those who willingly entered into such conditions for long periods of time were seen as a better alternative. Latts Razzi and Dengar were at the end of the hall and yelled for their companions to get out. Other information This war saw the devastation of the once-lush Hutt world of Ko Vari in 25,102 BBY. Then the Yuuzhan Vong Vongformed Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa with the later action leading to the true extinction of the Evocii. [3], Hutts often were planted on their thrones or seats in their later years. Similar to worms, Hutts were hermaphrodites which meant they had both male and female reproductive organs. Many Evocii were relocated to Nal Hutta's fifth moon Nar Shaddaa. By 26 ABY there was a Hutt underground operating against the Yuuzhan Vong, with Booster Terrik supplying them with weapons. Following them, a pair of Nubian Gualaar pulled a surprisingly moderately sized pod into the sunlight. [28] In the decades following the defeat of the Empire and the rise of the New Republic, the Hutt families saw much of their once great power and influence wane, even losing control of the Nikto, a race that had been in service to the Hutts for centuries prior. For their kind, childhood started between the ages of 1-70 and they were considered a young adult by 71-90 whilst they were seen as a full adult in the years between 91-650. [10], Aarrba's power chair. Hutt's were not above the practice of slavery with many of their kind keeping such individuals as "pets" that were a sign of prestige and power. They also had power chairs, which were for the more immovable Hutts, such as Aarrba. Legacy EraEdit, Queen Jool. Their adopted homeworld was Nal Hutta. [21] In the Cold War period of 3,653 BBY, the Hutts were known to had continued to face the predations from the Exchange and worked with several crime syndicates against them which was achieved through informants within that organization.[22]. The majority of Hutts were vicious megalomaniacs who considered their kind to be above morality that was perceived by lesser beings. Symbol of the Wynv'sin Clan. Jabba learned of this and found Solo in Docking Bay 94, where the smuggler said that he had no choice but to dump his cargo. Hutt law prohibited the use of indentured labor in circumstances that were proven to be unsafe. This era saw their earlier histories being transformed into myth. Natas the Hutt a.k.a. Other examples included Borvo, Dreddon, Soergg, Golga, Popara and Ziro. Hutts were furthermore divided into castes, including H'uuns. SocietyEdit. Leading an organization of crooks and scum meant competition. Early Hutt history was largely unknown and it was similarly not known whether they had developed interstellar technology themselves or had acquired it from another species to various historical accounts that conflicted with one another. Hutts and their servants The Old RepublicEdit. New Jedi Order eraEdit. This also saw the creation of an Imperial task force sent to crackdown on criminal activity on Nar Shaddaa which was stopped by actions conducted by smugglers. The Hutt Cartel, known as the Cartel or New Hutt Empire, was a powerful criminal syndicate, or business alliance of Hutts. The means by which the Council makes their decisions was largely a mystery which stemmed from the fact that the Hutts did not allow outsiders to witness their governmental proceedings. Notably during the Invasion of Naboo, Jabba was present when the human slave Anakin Skywalker won the Boonta Eve Classic in what was considered a monumentous event. The Y'Toub system was surrounded by several of the Yuuzhan Vong's most deadly warships. After battling his forces, she managed to get the Hutt's respect and he asked for her assistance in destroying a Republic space port that was being established outside his home settlement with the aim of gaining profit from the Outer Rim trade route in order to pay for the war costs. [12], Beyond the council was the Hutt Cartel that was officially an alliance of various Hutt clans that worked together in the common goal of attaining wealth and prosperity. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. However, much of the Hutts territorial expansion was itself contained by large swatches of Separatist space. With the creation of the New Order which was a revitalized militaristic power that the Hutts showed obedience to but used their cunning to outmaneuver this new foe. Evona and Ardos were venerated as gods by the Hutts. Such actions demonstrate that Hutts tended to prefer their actions to be conducted by their proxies and rarely ever leave the safety of their strongholds. The Clan itself was one of the members of the five syndicates. In terms of physiology, the Hutts were known to be an anomaly as they possessed traits from many different species. Once the contract was up, and the indentured party's duty complete, they were released from the contract as per the agreement. Imperial PeriodEdit, Jabba the Hutt, one of the most infamous Hutts during the era of the Empire. Over the course of the next few centuries, the Republic fixed the Coreward boundaries of Hutt Space and did not resist their expansions into their territory as they felt title meant little compared to economic power. 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The Heliost Clan was another clan meant to teach young initiates. Following her capture and Solo's release from the carbonite, Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker arrived on the scene, seeking to rescue his friends from Jabba's imprisonment. Despite this being the case, Imperial Intelligence were known to had blocked all Republic efforts in gaining the Hutts support. Distinctions, List of Hutts "Would you like to discuss it with the Hutts? This assault was repulsed by the Republic who deployed Devil Squadron into the fight that fought against both the Hutt forces and those of the Sith. Among this vital information was details of a new weapon that was being developed by the Republic. Jabba agreed to give Solo an extension on the payment in exchange for additional interest. [20] As the conflict escalated, the planet Quesh was discovered by the Republic who intended to harness the potent "Hutt Venom" adrenals and forged a deal with three Hutt Cartels who kept the business deal a secret from the Sith. Meant they had both male and female reproductive organs much as a result, each year, thousands of coat. Inadequate local system governments to defend themselves against Hutt influence latts Razzi and Dengar were at the end of most. The Hutts then invaded the Tion Cluster and exterminated many of the galaxy more guards arrived to defend themselves Hutt! Were granted the title `` master of the criminal underworld, they began to on... In addition, their nostrils close and their large lungs allowed them play. Few squalid manufacturing centers represents their role in the galaxy to even the furthest outskirts ultimately by! Of lacking social skills from under them as more guards arrived to defend palace! 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