A black vertical line runs across the eye and red patch around it. However, every time I try keeping these beautiful fish they die. If you have German Blue Rams they are very sensitive to any changes in water and if the conditions are not just the way they like it they will not do well. Needs a mate pairing. Find out if your speed racer makes the list of the top ten fastest dog breeds. But German blue rams where one species I could never get to thrive or even survive in the fish aquarium for very long. For the best care, the Ram should be kept in an aquarium of at least 20 gallons with several dense plant groups scattered around plenty of open swimming space. Discussion Starter • #3 • Jan 12, 2010. i have about 40. all very small with the exception of 2 german blue rams and 3 roseline sharks 2 to 3 inches. Unlike many other species of cichlid, the German Blue Ram is a peaceful and easygoing community member. Posted by 1 hour ago. Copper(II) nitrate, Cu(NO 3) 2, is an inorganic compound that forms a blue crystalline solid. I saw that you noted a nitrate reading of 35 ppm. PH Questions For German Blue Rams? I plan on picking up a pair of Rams today. Sexual dimorphism is visible both in the colors but also in the shape of the fins. This may seem like a hefty load but a good water change schedule is an overall aquarium problem preventative. Their body is oval shaped with a pointed tail and fins. In the nature feeds on worms, larvas, spineless species. When setting up the tank consider that, this fish does not have a preferred tank region and will spend most of its time swimming around the tank. You may also find that other dwarf cichlids like the Apistogramma species or others work better in your aquarium. Robert Woods is the creator of FishKeeping World, a third generation fish keeper and a graduate in animal welfare and behavior. Im trying my hand at a full planted tank. To convince your Rams to eat again you can tempt them with some tasty food such as live mosquito larvae. First, don’t introduce this fish into aquariums that don’t have a good filtration system. If you want to maximize your chances, get some juveniles and let them become a mating pair. sometimes the coloration or the black dot disappear all together and I am just as confused as I was before. I tried numerous tactics (keeping them in pairs in smaller aquariums, keeping them in large aquariums, keeping them with thriving, tough to keep fish, etc.) If you’re trying to identif… I'd appreciate any feedback regarding what level P04 (phosphate) and NH3 (nitrate) is safe in tropical aquariums containing sensitive fish such as German Blue Rams. “nyassae” is a Lake Malawi predatory cichlid, closely related to the popular Sciaenochromis fryeri.S. Tank Size: 29g Sock: 2 german rams, 10 tetras, 5 panda corys, 2 amano shrimp pH: 8.0 (ish) Ammonia: 0.50 Nitrate: 40ppm. nyassae is very territorial. The larger ram is on top of the dwarf sag , and the small is the other one. These spiny rays can get stuck in the enemy’s throat. German Blue Rams can be either kept alone or in pairs. Typically in the wild, Rams feed on small insects or invertebrate and plant material floating in the surrounding waters. On a strange and aggravating flipside I know some people who keep German blue rams and do nothing special to keep them alive. Compatibility of German Blue Ram. With their vibrant coloration and elongated flowing fins they make an impressive display fish in a planted or aquascaped aquarium and will get along well with most tankmates. Lord of Crystal Ram German Beer Stein Black | 3D Ram Lid . The best way to lower nitrate levels in the freshwater aquarium is through frequent partial water changes. When settling into a new tank, your Rams might appear a bit skittish and refuse to eat. This fish is perfect if you are looking to add some bright colors to your tank. If you do try it, provide the conditions for the blue ram, since bolivians are more adaptable and hardy. You don’t mention your fish showing any signs of illness before dying so it’s unlikely that they were affected by a parasite. freshwater angelfish, tetras, and other soft water fish all thrive in my aquarium. With its spiked dorsal fin, low-slung pectoral fins, Mikrogeophagus ramirezi appears to be an aquarium bulldog. If a fish is ill or dies, it's wise to test for nitrite to ensure it is not contributing to the problem. It was first discovered in 1948 and was named after the first collector and importer, Manuel Ramirez. Firstly, do not introduce this fish to an aquarium that has not been cycled with an excellent filtration system.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',115,'0','0'])); Oxygen and nitrates levels should always be monitored. One of the most remarkable and sought after species is the Pinnatus Batfish, also known as the Firebird Fish. Lionfish are beautiful, but stay away from their sting. If they start showing signs of aggression it’s probably because they don’t have enough hiding places and don’t feel safe, or you are not feeding them enough.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_21',119,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_22',119,'0','1'])); It is common for Rams to become slightly more aggressive during breeding season as they tend to protect their offspring. They need a peaceful community as they will struggle in an aggressive tank. In a tank the fish eagerly feeds on blood worm, tubifex, white worms, brine shrimp. The German Blue Ram is sensitive to water parameters, therefore it is crucial to give them the best environment possible. Named Game of the Year by over 50 publications, Valve's debut title blends action and adventure with award-winning technology to create a frighteningly realistic world where players must think to survive. Of course I saw your post. They inhabit the extended waterways of the Amazon River, especially the Orinoco River Basin in Venezuela and Colombia.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-1','ezslot_15',114,'0','0'])); These Rams live in shallow pools and streams with sandy beds and abundant vegetation. This South American Cichlid is among one of the best Cichlids for community tanks. German Blue Ram Habitat and Tank Conditions, Is The German Blue Ram Right For Your Aquarium? Their eyes are red and their fins are yellow or red with blue lines which are almost transparent. The German Blue Ram is known for its mottled deep blue splotches of color. Tell me about keeping sharks and rays in the home aquarium. Mineral Level. Largest free online business directory & yellow page with listing of 1,945,000 Indian & International companies. There are a number of advantages this species has when it comes to being bred in captivity. Then, you must practice regular tank maintenance with an understanding as to the unique requirements of a Blue Ram. web browser that The German Blue Ram is known for its mottled deep blue splotches of color. Nov 11, 2006 #1. Grows to max size of 3" and needs temperatures of 72 - 79 degrees. A brightly colored line bred variant of the popular Ram or Butterfly Dwarf Cichlid, the Longfin German Blue Ram is a small, peaceful cichlid ideal for most community aquariums. I’ve had some of these German blue rams and their mouths get red and puffed up like round. Rams are shy tropical fish that often struggle to eat in crowded community settings. I have a German blue ram and in the last 2 days his eyes have turned black and seems to be gasping for air and always sitting at top of the tank but all other fish are fine ... nothing looks crazy. While this would be acceptable for many freshwater species I think German blue rams may not tolerate that nitrate level. 50% water changes each week,temp 82 degrees F. By: Chewy EditorialPublished: October 16, 2006, New Pet / German Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi). i was doing a water change today and saw his eye looking like it was going to pop out. It cannot survive in an environment hotter than 98°F.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_23',137,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_24',137,'0','1'])); The German Blue Ram is an omnivore and eats a varied diet of both meat and plant. Electric Blue Ram native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility. Come join the discussion about species,breeding, health, behavior, aquariums, adopting, care, classifieds, and more! Discover everything you need to know about the Labrador Retriever dog breed, including what their personality is like, their life... German Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi), Labrador Retriever Dog Breed: Facts, Temperament and Care Info. Find here quality products, trade leads, manufacturers, suppliers, exporters & international buyers. Suitable Tankmates for German Blue Ram. Feeding Examples of plants you can use for decorating your aquarium are Java Fern, Amazon Sword and Wisteria. The front dorsal fin is generally black. Anhydrous copper nitrate forms deep blue-green crystals and sublimes in a vacuum at 150-200 °C. It is an excellent candidate for the planted aquarium, but it also needs a fair amount of open space. Freshwater Angelfish Care Guide: The Queen Of The Aquarium? It has a delicate elongated oval shape adorned with long pointed fins and tail. Rams, like discus fish, require very pristine, soft water. These fish can be kept with non-Cichlids and peaceful Dwarf Cichlids. 79 Degrees C, 0.00 ppm of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Also, a pH rating of 7.2 is a little steep for the South American rams. How To Keep German Blue Ram Cichlids Temperature is a big factor for these bacteria. German Blue Rams, Driftwood, and PH ... ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and high range pH read for my betta fish tank? Along with all the other considerations, you want species that prefer different water levels rather than ones that will all congregate at, for example, the top of the tank. Interestingly they have a small series of spiky ray shaped fins and tails – this is a typical characteristic of ray-finned fishes. I know i have been posting a lot on here in the past week and some of you may be fed up but my German Blue Ram (Leo) has now sadly passed away after a week of endless issues in my tank. Pinnatus Batfish are a genus of saltwater fish, scientifically known as Platax. (Summary), Pinnatus Batfish or Platax Pinnatus – Ultimate Care Guide 2021, The Ultimate List Of Ocean Puns: 120+ Kriller Jokes, The Evolution of Fish: The Backbone to Life as We Know It, The Complete Guide to Vampire Shrimp Care, The Complete Malaysian Trumpet Snail Care Guide, The Ultimate Hermit Crab Care Guide: Habitat, Food And Much More…. Member of the Cichlidae family, considered to be peaceful. Large aggressive fish are not a good match. It needs frequent water changes, at least one a week – try to replace 10%-20% of the tank water once a week. When replacing the water, the water added should be treated and be a temperature. Blue acara are carnivorous feeders, but first of all and the fish requires feed with high protein content. The Electric Blue Ram is the most recent color morph of the common ram cichlid, the Electric Blue Ram has quickly become a popular addition to the hobby, though it is slightly more difficult to keep than its wild-type cousin. We’re thrilled to have you as part of our community. nitrites: Chemistry A family of chemically stable forms of inorganic nitrogen that are not present in significant amounts in the environment. Check your water do a good water change and that should help them. You can keep this fish either as a pair or alone. Two links. Ideal reef tank calcium level. The solution that worked for me was giving up the idea of keeping German blue rams altogether. Using litmus paper from time to time helps in keeping a check on the pH level of your tank water. Perhaps you are thinking, how good can a pun reelly be? though none proved successful. 3 or 4 Kuhli Loaches and a small algae eater will round out the show. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. German blue ram is sensitive to water parameters, so it is important to give them the best environment. Keeping the preferred water level in mind will help create a more attractive tank and assures the fish will not compete for the same space. Here it spends its days hunting alone for juvenile fish. Whale, we feel inclined to challenge that. I would strive for a pH level of 6.8 and see if your success rate increases. Keep reading to learn how to care for German Blue Rams, from the perfect water conditions to feeding and breeding behaviors. Ram - German Blue: $7.95 $5.95: This product was added to our catalog on Sunday 11 October, 2009. In addition to the many common diseases related to poor water management and oxygenation, such as Ich disease, German Blue Rams are particularly susceptible to fish tuberculosis (TB). Can you keep more than one cockatiel without them fighting? They have an elongated oval shaped body they reaches around 3.5 inches once fully grown. my German Blue Ram is HIDING. Fishkeeping world was created by a school of fish fanatics. With a solid black body [Continue reading …], So you found yourself surfin’ online for some ocean puns? How did you name your fish? nyassae is found in the southern part of the lake in the intermediate zone between rocks and sand. The best nitrate level is between 5 and 10 ppm, and this can be achieved by keeping the tank well planted and doing appropriate partial water changes on a regular basis. If you decide to keep more than one male together in a tank, make sure there is a large enough space in your tank. It does not appear that S. sp. However implementing a UV Sterilizer on the ram’s aquarium may help control some previously overlooked bacteria or parasite problem. ... My water changes have always been the same and my water levels stay the same . Bogwood and the plants will help to keep the pH in check and also contribute to coloring the water creating a more similar environment to the South American Rivers. Bolivian Rams are small colorful fish. Copper nitrate also occurs as five different hydrates, the most common ones being the hemipentahydrate and trihydrate. Also, if you want to add some non-fish inhabitants to the tank make sure that they will not fit into your Ram’s mouth, otherwise they might end up as dinner. 7.6 P.H. Close. While German blue rams prefer to be kept in male/female pairs, you can keep just one in a smaller 15-gallon tank. The water parameters to best mimic the natural environment are as follows: A mix of gravel and sand can be used as a substrate. Once they are acclimated, you can feed your fish 2 to 5 small pinches of food a day. Vote. I bought a GBR yeterday to... Water chemistry - Parameters - GH ,KH, pH adjustments. Bolivian Ram Stats Minimum Tank Size: 29 Gallons (110 Litres) Care Level: Hard Water Conditions: 6.5 – 7.5 pH and Soft Temperature: 71-81 °F (22-27 °C) Maximum Size: 3 inches (8 cm) Bolivian rams (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus), or Bolivian butterflys, are a small, popular cichlid. Hello, I've two questions concerning stocking and about nitrate levels: In the tank so far, which is 125L, 80cm long: 8 Cardinal Tetra 4 Honey Gourami 1 German Blue Ram The tank has 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and 3ppm nitrate. Parts per million ) fish that often struggle to eat with a Fluval on. Has hand-cut diamond pattern facets and a graduate in animal welfare and behavior it provide. Know of cases where rams kept in an aquarium bulldog but they not. 3 '' and needs temperatures of 72 - 79 degrees C, 0.00 ppm of ammonia, and... Small insects or invertebrate and plant material floating in the southern part our! On picking up a pair of rams today International companies the beginner or intermediate hobbyist to! 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